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[Opinions] Babynames of week 04/2025
These are Names another German name website found in Birth Announcements from Germany
Feel free to vote :) and/or tell me what you think of them
* these ones I like/love
Source: GIRLS:
Elisabeth Sabine
Olivia Elisabeth *
Kira Leonie *
Eva Carina *
Catarina Leni
Miriam Alexia Andreea
Mathilda Jante Gunde
Mariella Geraldina
Sophie Ricarda
Ylva Ilse RenateYlva *
Ivy Susanne
Merle Fresia – Merle *
Judith Maria
Rosa LouBOYS:
Albert Silvester
Henry Daniel BrianHenry Daniel *
Jarno Klaus
Theo Leopold *
Ivo *
Maurice Laurenzio
Luis Maurice
Leo André
Felix Rolf Roland Dominick
Mads Owe
Carl Edgar Giacomo
HardyKaia Amelia (daughter of Dr. Sandra Kohldorfer – Austrian psychoanalyst)


I am a huge fan of Ylva Ilse Renate! So gorgeous!
I like all the feminine 1st names except Stacy, but the only feminine combos I like are Kira Leonie, Ivy Susanne, and Merle Fresia.I like all the masculine 1st names except Jarno and Hardy, and I like most of the middle names (I'm undecided about Owe and Laurenzio), but Henry Daniel Brian and Felix Rolf Roland Dominick are the only masculine combos I like.

This message was edited 2/14/2025, 1:32 AM

I like Elisabeth Sabine, Sophie Ricarda, Ivy Susanne, Albert Silvester, Bruno, Ivo, Severin, and Carl Edgar Giacomo.