[Opinions] Uncommon names I've seen recently
Some seen during work, some just out and about in the wild.
Marbe (Pronounced Mar-Bee)
Laurel (M)
Marbe (Pronounced Mar-Bee)
Laurel (M)
Laurel is the only name I like.
I also went to school with a Gentry, who was a grade above me; I don't know where her name originated from, though! I'm not really keen on any of these names, unfortunately...but I do enjoy the way Gentry sounds!
I went to school with a Gentry, it was her Grandma's maiden name :)
Gentry?? And cousins Workingclass and Middle? Carden is too much like Garden. Marbe could be short for Marble, could be a misprint of Mabel, could perhaps sound like Maybe. Laurel would be OK as a boy name if it hadn't been taken over by the girls; Laurence would be easier to live with. Rayvyn must surely have been perpetrated by a fifteen-year-old; someone should have explained to her how tastes change, especially the eye-popping ones like this spelling extravaganza.
I keep reading Marbe as "marble" :')
Laurel on a boy is very handsome! The others are awful (especially Gentry and Rayvyn).