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[Opinions] Re: Babynames of week 03/2025
in reply to a message by Chaka
Lina Lucyna, Rosi Ruth, Macy Mia, Marisha Magdalena: that's a lot of little girls with the same initials for their first and middle names. And two matching pairs of twins too: Laya and Levi, Malou and Maleo. It just isn't advisable.
I suspect that Esmèe-Sophia is a typing error for Esmée-Sophia: surely it wouldn't be pronounced Ezmeh rather than Ezmay?
I also wonder if Tasnim has landed in the wrong list: I've only ever known it as a female name.
Mirabel Fiona is a delightfully astonishing name in this environment! I'd prefer it the other way round: Fiona Mirabel flows better to my ears for some reason, but they're lovely names, whatever the order.


Esmèe-Sophia is how it is written on the website. I'm not sure if there was a typo there.
Tasnim was my mistake - I put it on the wrong side. Thank you for catching that :)