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[Opinions] Re: Character Names Needed, Theme: Wild West / Pioneer
Boy: John, Paul, Wilbur, George, Thomas, Edward, Joseph, Ishmael, Royce, Elias, Grover, Charles, Kermit, Daniel, Abaddon, Jeremiah, Oscar, Percy, Walter, and Thaddeus.Girl: Harriet, Anne, Zibiah, Ruth, Elizabeth, Georgia, Suellen, Frances, Pearl, Norma, Jane, Ida, Katherine, Dorcas, Abigail, Margaret, Deborah, Jill, Susanna, and Bertha.Horses: Peanut, Napoleon, Frank, Tiberius, Sir Galahad, Mitzi, Boo, and Hutchinson.Surnames: Smith, Washington, Quiller, Johnstone, Simpson, Brady, Lawrence, Abbott, Kirk, O'Sullivan, Edwards, and Tompkins.—— My FP account My FF account

This message was edited 1/31/2025, 7:48 PM

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