[Opinions] Sammy
I like Samuel and Sam. Sammy seems kind of childish.
I think it's sweet, I really like Sam and Sammy, it's Samual that I'm not super keen on.
I far prefer Sam. Sammy is babyish.
I dislike Sammy very much, Samuel very slightly less, and can just about stand Sam.
It sounds a bit childish to be honest.
Do you mean adult person using nickname instead of full name on daily basis f.e at work?
Yes, I do.
Alright, sorry, I was confused if you meant Sammy as full name instead of Samuel and not just nickname.
I think it's fine, can be very sweet, but not when somebody introduces themselves by NN on first meeting
and If other people around call Xyz by NN willingly because they like it and it's not pushed on them.
Sammy as a nickname - I have positive feeling because of film "A Turtle's Tale".
I think it's fine, can be very sweet, but not when somebody introduces themselves by NN on first meeting
and If other people around call Xyz by NN willingly because they like it and it's not pushed on them.
Sammy as a nickname - I have positive feeling because of film "A Turtle's Tale".
I hate it, sorry. It's so whiny and infantile to me. (I also can't stand Samuel, for what it's worth.)