[Opinions] Melisande or Corisande
Which do you prefer? Do you like the sound of Melisande or Corisande?

This message was edited 10/29/2024, 4:13 AM


I like the look and feel of Melisande, but Corisande has a more attractive sound to me.
Melisande by far. I find it very pretty. Corisande is fine but I don't like the inital syllable as much and it does make me think of coriander a bit (a fine herb, but one that divides people).

This message was edited 10/29/2024, 2:20 PM

I prefer Melisanda and Corisanda with the A suffix. I think they're more beautiful in appearance & sound to me. Melisanda is my favorite of the lot. I would use it irl on a daughter. It's actually on my long list.
I feel like Melisande has a romantic fairy tale type vibe. There's a soothing/lulling/mellifluous sirenlike quality about it that makes it seem elegant but potentially sinister.Corisande seems less elusive or more down-to-earth while still a bit romantic, and I'd prefer to use that.

This message was edited 10/29/2024, 9:02 AM

I like both, but I prefer Corisande.
I prefer the sound of Corisande.
I agree that both are gorgeous, stunning French names. My favorite has to be Corisande, though!!
Both are gorgeous, but I prefer Melisande.