[Opinions] what if I named my kid "Lagomorph"
I think it's a cool word
His nickname could be Harry (hare)


said kid would get bullied. hard.
...Why did you put so much effort into this?
As a 13 year old, I would HATE to be named Lagomorph. I once heard a good name test is to go to Starbucks, and see how you feel when the name is called out. I personally Harry is perfectly fine, and that is much better.
don't wait for the laugh
Maybe I should name my child Felis Catus and Felix would be a good nickname. If your being serious it’s as stupid as my suggestion but I suspect you are trolling.
If he, or she, had any sense they'd change it as soon as they were legally able to. If you like it so much, why not change your own name to Lagomorph and see how people react.
I think I would rather be Harry or Rabbit before I was Lagomorph. If you are just trolling, do better than scientific classification. Ridiculous
Not a fan
Have you thought about how should change your own name to that, instead? If you think it's such a cool word and nickname?
It's a cool word but not a cool name. None of the elements sound namey at all.
Even Leporid or Lepus sounds better, but also sounds like 'leper' so still nope. I actually think Hare would work as a name, maybe a middle name and potential nickname Hare/Harry. If Fox and Hart can be names, why not Hare? The only problem is that it would sound like you're named 'hair'. If I had to suggest ways to name a kid after this group in some way:
Romero (for the genus Romerolagus, volcano rabbits)
Sylvia or Sylvio (for the genus Sylvilagus, cottontail rabbits etc.)
Sylva or Sylvaticus (for the species Lepus sylvaticus)
Poe or Marjorie (for the species Poelagus marjorita)
any "And--" name could be for the Andean cototntail S. andinus (Andres, Andy, Andina, Andrew)
any "Har-" name with the nickname Harry for hare (Harold, Harry, Harrison, Harris)
Jack for jackrabbit
Conan for coney (and can have Coney as a nickname)
Assam for the Assam rabbit
James, Jameson, Rand, or Randall for Jameson's red rock hare, Pronolagus randensis
Rupert for P. rupestris
Melanie or Melana for P. melanurus (old species name)
Barrett for P. barretti (also an old species name)
River or Monty for the riverine rabbit Bunolagus monticularis
Layne or Layna for the extinct species Oryctolagus laynensis
Apollo, Apollonia, or Apollonaris for the species Sylvilagus apollinaris

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This message was edited 10/27/2024, 6:52 PM
