[Games] Inspired by the Masters - Collaboration CAF (2)
Name the first SO. Her last name is three syllable long and Italian (https://surnames.behindthename.com/names/usage/italian/syllables/3) Agnes Amabel Arleth Beatrice Bianca Cecilia Cosima Diana Donatella Eleonora Emilia Ernestine Ginevra Fabrizia Felisa Flavia Herminia Isabeau Isabella Josefina Livia Lorena Lucrezia Lucy Ludovica Maddalena Madonna Romilda
Post two masculine names that reminds you of this famous fresco (NOTE: this part is closed for submissions) IMG-2995
Ignudo by Michelangelo (1503)
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf

This message was edited 10/23/2024, 4:54 AM

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DW: Amabel Romilda Isabeau Sapienti ***Fabian
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DW: Livia Donatella Grimaldi

This message was edited 10/22/2024, 9:04 AM

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DW: Cecília Lucy Germano———David, Marino
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Lucrezia Josefina Lombardi--Amycus
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W: Romilda Cosima Parisi
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DW: Ginevra Lorena FontanaCamillo, Fabian*****
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W: Lucrezia Donatella Provenza
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Livia Maddalena ManciniAdrian, Titus
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Diana Ginevra CoppolaAthena
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DW: Cosima Isabella PerugiaNamebank:
Sebastian, Artemas
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SO: Romilda Emilia Marchesi*Raphael
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SO: Cosima Lucrezia D'Ovidio Ugolino & Umberto
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Lucy Beatrice PiccoliAdonis, Prometeo
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