[Opinions] BBC young musician competitors 2024
These are the names of the BBC young musician competitors this year- what do you think? They are aged between 15 and 18.
Finn (g)
Jacky (b)


Alasdair - It's a decent name, but reminds me of a namesake for the name Alastair, and I don't like that.
Alicia - It's an elegant name, but it sounds a bit young... then again the young names of today will sound older in 40 years.
Defne - I'm not a huge fan. It seems more like how a kid would expect Daphne to be written.
Finn (g) - I've never really liked the name Finn, and have always thought it seems more like a nickname.
Hugo - A classic, mature-sounding name. I like it! but I wouldn't name my child Hugo, but maybe an original character.
Jacky (b) - I like Jacky as a girl's name, but not so much as a boy's.
Jamaal - The name Jamaal always makes me crave Baskin Robbin's Jamoca Almond Fudge... and that's a good thing!
Kaelyn - A pretty name! It feels a bit more empty than Kaitlyn, but I still really like it.
Maya - Reminds me of Maya Rudolph. I like the name Maya, but it's not my favorite.
Rose - I've never been the biggest fan of flower names, but Rose is pretty! Very elegant, and feels both formal and informal at the same time. Ponus points if it's spelt Rosé!
Ryan - For a boy or a girl? Either way, it's good! It feels young on a boy, but that's not a huge problem.
Shlomi - Behind the name doesn't have a page for the name, so I am unsure if it's masculine or feminine. Either way, I'm not a big fan, but you do you!
I like...Alicia
RyanI would like Jamal, but the Jamaal spelling is just too funky. Same with Defne.
Interesting! I like Alasdair (prefer Alastair), Alicia (prefer Alice), Hugo, Jack but not Jacky - Jacky seems to work better for a girl. Poor Defne must be in for a lifetime of explanations.
I like/love...Alasdair
Alasdair is okay. Prefer Alistair. I feel like the D interrupts the cadence.
Alicia is pretty said as uh-lee-shuh but I prefer u-li-see-uh.
I don't like the sound or look of Defne. It reminds me of Daphne, although it's not related.
Hugo is a decent name but it's not to my taste; I would never think to use it.
I don't like Jacky, and for some reason I like it less on a boy.
I prefer Jamal to Jamaal.
Kaelyn would be better as Kailyn. I can't think of any other spellings I would like, but I like the sound of it.
I like Maya and Ryan. They are pretty popular and well heard of.
I am really, really bored of Rose.
Shlomi sounds more like a girl name to me. I don't like the L sound in it.
I like Alasdair and Alicia (although I prefer Alyssa), Jacky is fine as long as its a nickname. I really dislike Ryan though, it's just too overused these days for me.
I like:
Jacky (if it's short for Jack, Jackson, John, etc., it's too nicknamey for a full name)
RoseAlasdair, Hugo, and Rose sound the most "musician-y" to me.
I like Alasdair, Alicia, Daphne this spelling, Hugo, Jack not Jacky, Kaelyn, Rose, Ryan