[Surname] Juniel
Does anyone know the meaning of the surname Juniel? There was a site that said the name was of Hebrew origin, another said it was of German origin. The one that said it was of German origin said it was from the name Jungnickel. I know jung is young in Hebrew and nickel is nickel. If anyone knows, please respond. Thank you.
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There are present-day and historic records of Juniel in Germany. There are far more records from France, but most historic ones are in the Meuse department which has a significant German influence, and most modern ones are in French Guiana (a colony). I think the German one is the most plausible, though I can't find a reliable source that offers a clear delineation.
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Nickel in German names does not refer to the chemical element but is a short form of Nikolaus. However, I didn't find evidence that the original name, Juniel, is of German origin. It is not featured on this high quality site of German names: https://www.namenforschung.net/dfd/woerterbuch/liste/ (Jungnickel is featured there, btw.)
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