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[Opinions] Charles, Richard, George, or Anthony?
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I have always loved the name Anthony, particular with the American pronounciation I think Richard is very plain and boring. Charles is okay. I like George.
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I like Charles and George. Anthony is okay. Not a fan of Richard.
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Anthony but only because I really don't like the others.
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I'm going to pick Anthony every time. I've always liked the name. I like Charles and I am neutral to Richard and George. In order of most liked to least liked:
GeorgeGeorge feels the plainest, maybe because a number of kings beared them?
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My favorite out of these is probably Charles. It's a name I used to hate, but now I see it as very mature and handsome. Also love the nickname Charlie.
Then, Anthony. It's a really good name, although maybe a little overdone. I feel like I know about 34 guys named Anthony.
I'd say George is below that. Also not bad but kind of boring. There are a lot of other G names I prefer, like Gregor or Gideon.
My least favorite is Richard. Not technically a bad name but I have very little enthusiasm over it.
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Anthony! Then I'd pick George for a second. But the other ones I'm not really into that much unfortunately.
EDIT: Maybe Richard 3rd, only if Rick, or Ricky could be used as a NN / diminutive.

This message was edited 3/22/2024, 9:54 AM

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George. I adore this name.Then Richard, Anthony, and, Charles. In this order of preference.
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I can't summon up any enthusiasm for Charles or George, though Charlene and Georgina would be fine.
Anthony is all right where I live; elsewhere, it would be safer to use the Antony spelling. I prefer Anton as a full name.
Richard on its own is excellent and I'd consider using it IRL. The only problem is the ghastly prospect of Dick as a nn! Maybe a mn?
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George, then Anthony. Richard is a distant 3rd.
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I like Anthony and Richard
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George first, I find this fuddy-duddy name really cute.
Then Charles, because I like Charlie and Chaz.
Then Richard, because Ritchie is fun.
I hate Anthony.
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You've got them listed three times here! Once as the subject, once in your post, and once as tags. lolI'd pick Charles first, followed by Anthony. George comes in a fairly distant third and Richard in a very distant fourth.
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1 Anthony
2 Charles
3 Richard
4 George
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Richard but I would only ever use Ricky or Rick.
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George, just slightly ahead of Charles for me.
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Charles, in that exact order actually
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Charles or George.
Anthony is overdone in my family and Richard is outdated.
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