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[Opinions] Anna or Anne?
Which one?
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Anne. I have a wonderful “Auntie” Anne.
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Anna. It sounds lighter, fresher, more youthful, and it's more international. But I like Anne too.
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Anne is my mn, because it is a family name (grandmother's mn, mine and a cousin's). I like it: short and sweet. Ann is even shorter, but to me it looks unfinished. Anna bores me rigid. Since 1976 (the birth year of the oldest Anna I know) the world has been full of Anna people and I would be happy to see less of it.
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Anna is prettier.
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Anne.I've always loved the combo Anne Cecilia. I
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I was at school with an Ann Cecilia! Blonde, blue eyes, very pretty. I'd prefer Anne, though.
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Just short and sweet Anne for me. There is a quiet beauty in its simplicity. Sometimes less is more.I also prefer Hannah to Anna.

This message was edited 3/16/2024, 6:59 PM

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Anna is better on its own. Let's just get it out of the way and admit that Anne is plain. I prefer both as double barrelled names, or in Anne's case especially, middle names. I do like Anne-Laure, Anne-Marie and Anne-Sophie for Anne, and Anna Maria / Ana Maria, Anna Sophia / Ana Sofia for Anna or Ana.
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Anne-Marie is great! Definitely gives Anne more spark.
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Anne, definitely. It's way more refined.
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Anna! Tho I love Anne too. And maybe Ana above both.I love An- names. 😅
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Anna by far. Anne is more suitable as a middle name, in my opinion.
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