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[Opinions] Jason OR Jameson
And wdyt? What stereotype for each?
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Jason. Great name. I do like Jameson, too.
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I prefer Jason in sound because Jameson is bulkier. However, I like both.Stereotypes? Jason sounds like the name of some guy who's popular with girls. Jameson gives me similar vibes to James; I'm seeing a jock. His family loves him because he's good at football and this reflects well on them.

This message was edited 3/13/2024, 8:55 AM

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I like both, but I'd have to pick Jason. Jason makes me think of a jock.
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Jason. Jameson does not work as a first name. I would say Jason makes me think of a middle aged man, and Jameson makes me think of a whiny little kid.

This message was edited 3/13/2024, 8:42 AM

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Jason. It's handsome and has beautiful meaning.
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I much prefer Jason to Jameson; I think Jason is an attractive name, too.
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Jason. It's a bit of a 90s-2000s high school football player name. Jameson is just a whiskey to me.
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Jameson, although not by much. I think both names are bland and unimaginative, to a point where I can't imagine a stereotype of either of them. They're names that in my opinion convey so much nothing. Jameson has the edge for me simply because it has a little more substance.
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Jason. It's dated, I'd expect his friend or brother to be Justin, but Jameson is just one more in the long line of unimaginative lnfns. Plus, here in South Africa most people still associate it with the Jameson Raid, a very silly British attempt to invade the old South African Republic where gold had recently been discovered ... it started a war and is not a good association. Named after the remarkably named Leander Starr Jameson, who master-minded it, with the support of Cecil John Rhodes, then Prime Minister of the Cape Province. It destroyed his career too, which was something!
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