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[Opinions] Sara or Sarah?
And wdyt? I am too used to seeing Sarah to like Sara more, it looks like the h is missing.
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Sara. Shorter and simpler.
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Isn't this your name?, where do you live that you can't find Sarah on a keychain? I'm curious. Sara is Arabic to me, just like Mariam. Not completely, obviously, but if I saw a Sara on my daughter's class list I'd assume she was Muslim. In this area, ie North Dakota. In other areas I would not assume this.I prefer the Sara spelling as well. I was just thinking of Abramhaic names - Rebecca/Rivka, Sara/Sarah, Miriam/Mariam, etc

This message was edited 3/11/2024, 8:52 PM

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Right but not a keychain that I would like? I know the struggle.
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I've known many Saras pronounced like Sarah who weren't Arabic.
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Exactly, esp. in non English speaking countries like Spain or Portugal or Poland, etc. Silly to say it's just Arabic.
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I know. Around here Sarah is the common spelling, if I saw Sara I would suspect it was Arabic. I wouldn't be shocked if I was wrong.
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Sara is SAHra here, and Sarah is SAIR-a.
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Sara. Don't really like unnecessary Hs. I also like SAH-rah better than SAIR-uh

This message was edited 3/12/2024, 5:15 PM

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I have both a Sarah and Sara in my family, who pronounce their names as "Sair-uh". In an English context, I prefer the more conventional Sarah spelling. I'm more inclinded to pronouncing Sara as "Sar-uh;" I prefer that pronunciation, for this spelling.
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Sarah for me, though only as a middle name, unless she goes by Sally. Sara does look too short to me. Where I'm from, they are pronounced the same way (like "SAIR-uh")
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I love both but prefer Sara.
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Also keeping in mind that some places pronounce them differently. I know in the UK Sara is pronounced more close to Zara I believe
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This is trueSarah and Sara are pronounced differently in the UK. Sehra /sara
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I was almost named Sarah after a grandmother I never knew; I don't like the name much, and I'm glad I escaped it, but I greatly prefer it to amputated Sara.
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Sarah, looks complete
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I agree. I really like the sound of Sarah and would absolutely use it if I could even despite it's popularity and it's "plainness" as seen my some. I don't mind Sara, but something about Sarah just looks more appealing. More balanced and familiar perhaps.
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I've always vastly preferred the look of Sara, though Sarah is far more common - so when you're a Sara you're constantly telling people, "Sara, no H." That's probably annoying.That said, sometimes I barely register Sara/Sarah as a name. Like Emma, it's so ubiquitous that it's more of a sound than a personal name, if that makes sense.
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Sarah, it looks more aesthetically pleasing to me
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I like both spellings but I prefer Sarah.However, it really depends in large part on the surname. For example, if you have a last name which begins with an H, Sara would look better -Sara Hunter vs
Sarah HunterOn the other hand, if your surname starts with an A, I would choose the Sarah spelling -Sara Abbott vs
Sarah Abbott

This message was edited 3/10/2024, 6:09 PM

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