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[Games] Re: generation caf : with rules 2/3 wfl
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [94] Francis Herbert Baines
DW [92] Jeanne Marcelle [Charbonneau] BainesDD1 [71] Josiane Pearl [Baines] Duffy
DS1 [70] Daniel Francis Baines
DS2 [67] Eric Philip Baines
DD2 [65] Viviane Marie Baines
DS3 [53] Alexandre Louis BainesFrancis & Jeanne; Josiane, Daniel, Eric, Viviane, and Alexandre*
DD1 [71] Josiane Pearl [Baines] Duffy
DH [73] Jerome Vincent Duffy Josiane & Jerome; Grace, Patrick, and Ronan DD [50] Grace Jeanne Duffy
- DH [50] Leo Avery Nelson
- DS [24] Michael Étienne Nelson
- DD [23] Elizabeth Jeanne Nelson
-- DH [28] Ari Panosyan
-- DD [2] Heather Lusine Panosyan
-- DS [exp] Kyle Ari Panosyan
- DD [20] Sophia Mathilde Nelson
- DD [18] Victoria Juliette Nelson
-- Dbf [19] Samuel Ezra Davis “Sam”
-- DS [3m] Luke Samuel Nelson
- DD [14] Alexandra Sylvie Nelson
- DS [11] James Philippe Nelson Grace & Leo; Michael, Elizabeth, Sophia, Victoria, Alexandra, and James
Elizabeth & Ari; Heather and Kyle
Victoria & Sam; Luke DS [48] Patrick Michel Duffy
- ExW [48] Stephanie Christina Abrams
-- DD [30] Olivia Brooke Duffy
-- DD [28] Catherine Alicia Duffy
--- DW [33] Sandhya Patel
--- DS [3] Ayaan Joël Duffy
--- DD [nb] Mira Céleste Duffy
- DW [42] Kayla Molly Matheson
-- DS [17] Patrick Michel Matheson “Rick”
-- DD [15] Isabel Natalia Matheson
-- DD [3] Kaia Rachel Matheson Patrick & Stephanie; Olivia and Catherine
Patrick & Kayla; Rick, Isabel, and Kaia
Catherine & Sandhya; Ayaan and MiraDS [42] Ronan Charles Duffy
- Dfiancee [37] Genevieve Rain Elson Ronan & Genevieve *
DS1 [70] Daniel Francis Baines
ExW1 [70] Claire Marie NeumannDaniel & Claire; Francis and David DS [49] Daniel Francis Baines “Francis”
- DW [45] Amanda Gabriella Ross
- DD [23] Rachel Claire Baines
-- DW [24] Lily Jennifer Parker
-- DS & DD [6m] Rowan Daniel Parker-Baines / Camille Maria Parker-Baines
- DD [21] Anna Gabrielle Baines
- DS [19] Elijah Hadrian Baines “Eli”
-- Dbf [22] Owen Robert Carver
- DD [19] Jenna Hope Baines
- DS [13] Isaac Bennett Baines
- DD [4] Maya Irene BainesFrancis & Amanda; Rachel, Anna, Eli, Jenna, Isaac, and Maya
Rachel & Lily; Rowan and Camille
Eli & Owen DS [47] David Félicien Baines
- DW [40] María Belén González
- DD [12] Lucia Marielle Baines
- DD [9] Emilia Victoire Baines
- DS [exp] Santiago Félicien Baines David & María Belén; Lucia, Emilia, and Santiago ExW2 [68] Violet Miriam Carson Daniel & Violet; DariaDD [42] Daria Flavienne Baines
- ExBf [43] FN and MN were popular in 1970s, LN is up to you
-- DS [22] FN is between 140-160 in 2002, MN is fathers FN
--- Dgf [23] FN and MN are between 400-415 in 2001, LN is Bulgarian
--- DS [1] FN is French, MN is fathers FN
--- DS [exp] FN is French, MN is after dgf's father [your choice of name]
- DW [30] Initials are SDY
-- ADS [6] FN is trendy, MN is Arabic
-- DD [7m] FN is trendy, MN is after DW's late grandmotherDW [66] Sofiya Alekseyevna Popova Daniel & Sofiya; Marina DD [34] Marina Charlotte Baines
- DH [34] FN is one syllable, MN and LN are Finnish
- DD [11] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet
- DD [10] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet
- DD [7] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet
- DD [5] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet
- DD [exp] FN is Russian, MN is short and sweet*
DS2 [67] Eric Philip Baines
DW [67] FN is country sounding, MN is one syllable and maiden name begins with JDS [46] FN and MN are from here :
- DW [46] FN, MN and LN are Polish
- DS [22] FN is fathers MN, MN is Polish
- DD [20] FN is from here :, MN is mothers FN
-- Dbf [23] Initials are ZQR
-- DD [nb] FN is Polish, MN is great-grandmothers FN
- DS [18] FN is from here :, MN is Polish
- DD [15] FN is from here :, MN is Polish
- DS & DD [13] FNs are from here :, MNs are Polish
- DS [5] FN is from here :, MN is PolishDD [44] FN and MN are from here :
- DH [43] FN and MN are between 300-320 in 1978, LN is the same as a TV character
- DS [18] FN and MN are any names from here :
- DS [16] FN and MN are any names from here :
- DD [12] FN and MN are any names from here :
- DS [10] FN and MN are any names from here :
- DD [3] FN and MN are any names from here : [42] FN and MN are from here :
- ExW [42] Initials are GNV
- DS [13] Initials are JJ
- DS [11] Initials are AJDD [39] FN and MN are from here :
- ExH [41] FN and MN are between 80-90 in 1983, LN is double barrelled
-- DS [15] FN is trendy, but NOT in the top 100, MN is fathers FN
- DH [40] FN and MN are between 120-130 in 1981, LN is a color
-- DS [8] FN and MN are between 600-615 in the USA
-- DD [6] FN and MN are between 740-755 in the USA
-- DD [3] FN and MN are between 870-885 in the USADS [39] FN and MN are from here :
- DW [34] FN may be considered dated, MN is after her mother, maiden name has a double letter
- DD [5] FN is after a singer, MN is a place name
- DD [2] FN is after a singer, MN is a place nameDS [35] FN and MN are from here :
- ExFiancee [35] FN is one of your favourite names, MN is city and LN is a common last name
-- DD [14] FN and MN are old fashioned
-- DS [12] FN and MN are old fashioned
- DW [33] FN was trendy in the 1980s, MN and LN are Korean
-- DS [4] FN is old fashioned, MN is Korean
-- DD [1] FN is old fashioned, MN is KoreanDS [33] FN and MN are from here :*
DD2 [65] Viviane Marie Baines
DH [64] FN, MN and LN are ItalianDS [40] Fathers name
- DW [38] FN and LN are Romanian
- DD [10] FN is Italian and begins with V, MN is mothers FN
- DD [8] FN is Italian, and begins with A MN is Romanian
- DS [5] FN is Italian, and begins with L MN is Romanian
- DS [3] FN is Italian, and begins with M MN is Romanian
- DD [exp] FN is Italian and begins with R, MN is RomanianDD [37] FN is Italian, MN is mothers FN
- DH [37] FN is one syllable, MN is long and masculine, LN begins with S
- DD [4] FN is Italian and begins with G, MN is after DH's mother [your choice of name]
- DD [nb] FN is Italian and begins with C, MN is after DH's late aunt [your choice of name]*
DS3 [53] Alexandre Louis Baines
ExW [53] FN and MN are between 5-20 in 1971, LN is one syllableDS [32] Fathers name
- DS [7] FN and MN are between 450-470 in USADD [30] FN and MN are between 5-10 in the USA
- DH [32] FN and LN are Arabic
- DS [10] FN is Arabic, MN is grandfathers FN
- DD & DD [8] FNs are Arabic, MNs are long and feminine
- DS [5] FN is Arabic, MN is masculine
- DD [3] FN is Arabic, MN is long and feminine
- DS [4m] FN is Arabic, MN is masculineDS [28] FN and MN are between 40-45 in USA
- Dfiancee [27] FN and MN are between 50-60 in UK, LN is up to you
- DS [2] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is fathers FN
- DD [exp] FN is a nicknamey-name, MN is grandmothers FNDD [26] FN and MN are between 30-35 in USA
DD [25] FN and MN are between 40-45 in USADS [22] FN and MN are between 65-70 in USA
- Dgf [22] FN and MN are from here :, LN begins with C
- DS [4] FN is unisex, but used more on girls, MN is fathers FN
- DS [2] FN is unisex, but used more on girls, MN is fathers MN
- DD [exp] FN is technically a boys name, MN is mothers FNDD [20] FN and MN are between 85-90 in USA
- DD [exp] Named after DD's favourite actressDW [48] Initials are NREDS [14] FN and MN are between 95-100 in USA
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