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[Opinions] Annabeth
Thoughts on the name Annabeth? I think it's so underrated and one of the best names that start with Anna-!
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I also think of Percy Jackson, but I love it! I love Ann- names so much and Beth is also a favorite, Annabeth just gives me the best of both worlds.However, I couldn’t use it because of Percy Jackson and I’d rather not deal with that connection. :/
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I definitely agree with your claim that it's underrated; it's been a favorite of mine for years! Annabeth is everything positive, in my book!
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I love Annabeth. I think it's a sweet name with a vintage charm.
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It's a great name!
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It's ok
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Reminds me of Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson series.
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Yeah, that's where the name comes from! She's awesome.
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That's right. I looked up her online and I think she's a cool character.
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