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[Opinions] Nora OR Norah
I'm not sure which I would choose!
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I prefer Nora. Nora looks well-balanced to me, and the unnecessary 'h' just throws it off.
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Nora is very sophisticated looking, where I find Norah a bit hokey, trying to look humble. Nora is by far my preference.
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Nora. I typically like simplicity and do not like the look of H's at the end of names. For instance. Susanna beats Susannah. Sara beats Sarah.
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I like the look that Norah has; the extra "h" is just so beautiful! I'm not one who normally likes alternative spellings, but some I do enjoy! This isn't to say that I don't like Nora, I do; I just prefer Norah.

This message was edited 3/2/2024, 12:22 PM

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I prefer Norah. It looks warmer and more rustic and "complete".
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I like Nora as a nickname and Norah as a given name. :)
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Hi!I choose Nora that in Italy in 2022 was #69 with 541 newborns. Yes, it's popular.Norah instead was #536 with 25 newborns. The extra h is not intuitive for an Italian person.
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Nora. It's the spelling I tend to opt for. Norah is fine, but I just think it looks better without the h.
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