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[Opinions] Maya or Maia?
And Wdyt of the names!
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Depends which meaning you like. Are you referring to the Roman godess (Maia)? Or is it a reference to water (Maya)?
Honestly, I'd go for the most common spelling where you live. People being able to pronounce the name is more important to me.
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Maya sounds better to me, I just think Maia is a strange spelling in my opinion. I like the name, but Maya is my preferred out of the two.
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Maia. I used to love it, I'm a bit bored of it now. I know of a Polish Maja who anglicized it as Maiya, which I always thought strange - first of all, I don't think it would be difficult to explain that Maja is MA-ya, not MA-ja. But if you're set on anglicizing it, why not go with Maya or Maia? Surely, people would be more likely to get that than Maiya.
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Maya.I love the name and could easily have used it for my daughter. My husband, of course, didn't like it.
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I've always preferred Maia.
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Maya; I think Maia would be misread as Maria.
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I prefer the look of Maia!
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I've loved the name Maia for ages, I remember learning about it when I was 8 or so.I still love it, though it feels a little empty now. I like names with more substance since growing up.Maya is beautiful too, but I've never been as partial to it. It makes me think of too many things - the month, the civilization, the mayonnaise.
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Completely agree!
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Maya, they are ok names
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I like Maia, pronounced MYa. Maya is too South American.
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Maia.Same with Kaia. Much softer and pleasing.
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Maia. I like that it looks ancient Roman and clean/balanced.Maia is popular in many countries, so not sure Maya is more international in general.
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I pronounce them differently. Maia is MAY-uh and Maya is MY-uh. I like both equally.

This message was edited 2/25/2024, 12:57 AM

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That's so interesting because I feel like they should evoke the opposite (Maia being MY-uh and Maya being MAY-uh).
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Both spellings are fine but I prefer Maya.
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Personally, I prefer the spelling Maya and I think this name is definitely easier to pronounce in many countries around the world.
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