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[Opinions] Re: Casey and Anthony
in reply to a message by )(
I like both, but prefer Anthony more as it's stronger and more timeless. It's also the name of my nephew, but I'm sure I would still choose it over Casey even if that wasn't the case.
I still enjoy Casey, but I wouldn't use it either. If I did however, it would be for a boy.馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫鉂囷笍馃尫
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