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[Opinions] Katherine and Patrick
What do you think about these two names? This will be the most unpopular of my name opinions, I actually love Caitlin and Patricia more than Katherine and Patrick. But they catch my eye to some extent. So I asked a question.

This message was edited 2/17/2024, 10:14 PM

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My mother is named Catherine, so I have always preferred that spelling to Katherine. Something about the "C" gives it a funky, rounder look; I really enjoy that. Despite my own opinions, I think that Katherine is still a brilliant name. Caitlin is nice, but I prefer the names Katelyn and Catelyn (also, just Kate or Cate on its own!). I'm also considering Kayla or Cayla as honoring names, after my mom; love them. Katrina is another variation of Katherine that is beautiful, in my opinion!Patrick is a very attractive name for a guy, in my opinion; I don't know very many. Every Patrick that I've met (in person) has been handsome and strong (with a personality to match). I also love the name Patricia for a girl, because it sounds so pretty. Trisha is another name that I like on a girl.
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My preferred Cath- or Cait- name is Katharine, but it and all its variants have been so popular for so long that I'd only use it as a mn. That would also reduce the number of spelling errors ... very tedious to spell your name eleven times a day. Patrick is a name I've always been fond of, and I'd happily use it as the fn of a son. All the Patrick people I've known have been excellent. I'd avoid Patrick and Kathleen in a sibset, unless the family actually are Irish.
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To be fair, I don’t think most people would immediately jump to that family being Irish. They’d be probably just think those parents like older/classic names.
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I've always thought Patrick was pretty dashing. It's not popular where I live, so it's not boring to me at all. Katherine is ok, nothing wrong with it. But I'm currently reading a book set in the Tudor period and I am sick to death of seeing it right now.
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You can't get more wholesome.Katherine's fine. Catherine and Kathryn are my preferred spellings. I guess I like them better than Caitlin. They feel like very different names to me even though I know they're variants of the same one.I never cared for the name Patrick, but I've said on here before, all the Patricks I know are really smart, mature, um charismatic... they're like lucky types. This name has come to feel like a good luck charm to me over time. And I do admire St. Patrick after reading a cool book about him.I don't care for Patricia. It's one of those names that I like in theory and sometimes as a middle name, but in the end I just don't like the pronunciation.
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Thank you. Why did you say I couldn't get more wholesome? I want to hear the story in detail about what the intention was.

This message was edited 2/17/2024, 8:14 PM

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Quick English lesson: when we say 'You can't get any worse than that' or 'You can't get more wholesome' etc, the 'You' actually means any person at all; old-fashioned grammar books would have preferred 'One can't ...' but that's no longer used in everyday situations. So we could paraphrase 'You can't get more wholesome' as 'It's impossible to sound more wholesome than those names'.I hope that helps. English can be tricky sometimes!
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Yeah, I basically meant that Patrick and Katherine are as wholesome as names can get.
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Attractive names, personnally much prefer them to Patricia which always seemed a bit tinny to me.
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Both are nice, I like Katelyn too
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Not really a huge fan of either. I can see why Katherine would be appealing to others, but I'm just not a fan of that ending sound in girl names. I agree that Caitlin is much better, even though it has the same ending sound (not sure what the rationale for that is). Patrick just doesn't sound appealing to me, and neither does Patricia, really.

This message was edited 2/17/2024, 11:51 AM

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