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[Opinions] Thoughts on the names Love and Hart for a girl?
Thoughts on either the name Love or Hart for a girl?


I think of the character Love from the show You. It’s cute, but I would just choose a name that means Love or just use it as a middle name. Nayeli is really pretty, for example.Can’t see the appeal in Hart, sorry.
Hart is awful. :(Love…is okay. I think of the character from the Netflix series You. Her twin brother was named Forty; her parents were rich tennis lovers I guess. I bust out laughing when I first connected the dots.
Horrible, but I think Hart is passable on a boy.
Love is bad because it's an endearment. It's like being named Dear or Sweetie.
Hart is bad for a girl because it's like being named Stag or Buck.I kinda think Hart could be okay for a guy, although eccentric, it's surnamey enough too.
Love is nice as a gal's middle name imo.
Maybe for a female domestic pet that wouldn't embarrass easily. Two goldfish, perhaps? And, please fix the typo: traditionally male names being used on females is one thing, but the name of a male animal on a human female is distasteful.
I'm not sure it's a typo. They probably just don't realize it's a male animal (I didn't).
I must admit, I felt the same! But I decided to at least appear to give them the benefit of the doubt, rather than just be a smart-arse.
I wouldn’t use Love as a first name, but as a middle name it could work. I don’t like Hart, but I do like Hartley.
If you want to name your kid something related to Love, do Amora or something. There are much more elegant ways that won't make the child confused every time she hears the word "love" or "heart".
Don't like either
There are so many other names that mean love or heart that are objectively so much better. Hart sounds like a dog name. For a male dog.
A hart is an adult male deer.

This message was edited 2/11/2024, 10:20 PM

Love is kind of corny but doesn't sound bad. I like Hart for both genders. I accept it more than Heart because it's a surname and has notable usage. There is less pressure on the child that way.
Relatively awful.
I know of people irl who used those names, but Hartley, for their kids. It's tacky.