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[Games] Re: generation caf 9.2
in reply to a message by Evie
DH [88]: Walt Rufus Clancy
DW [88]: Ophelia Winifred Clancy (née Rockwell)DD1 [69]: Cordelia Fiona Dangelo (née Clancy)
DS1 [67]: Arthur Rockwell Clancy
DS2 [64]: Oliver Felix Clancy Sr.
DS3 [50]: Theodore Alexander Clancy Sr.Walt & Ophelia; Cordelia, Arthur, Oliver, and Theodore*DD1 [Cordelia, 69]:
DH [72]: Archer Gabriel DangeloDS [49]: Gabriel Archer Dangelo
- DW [47]: Imogen Miranda Dangelo (née Applegate)
- DD [13]: Cersei Zelda Dangelo
- DS [10]: Sky Remus DangeloDD [47]: Aurora Florence Ricci (née Dangelo)
- DH [47]: Marcel Klaus Ricci
- DS [25]: William Levi Ricci "Will"
-- DW [27]: Scarlett Eloise Ricci (née Canfield)
-- DS [2]: Milo John Ricci
-- DD [nb]: Julia Daphne Ricci
- DS [23]: Sebastian Timothy Ricci
-- DW [22]: Ainsley Belle Ricci (née Reinhardt)
-- DD/DD [5m]: Charlotte Faith Ricci & Isla Kate Ricci
- DD [20]: Lily Rose Ricci "Lily Rose"
- DS [16]: Keenan Macauley Ricci
- DD [14]: Lucy Cora Ricci
- DS [10]: Shiloh Ari RicciDD [44]: Amaya Grace Dangelo (formerly Whelan)
- ExH [44]: Eli David Whelan
- DD [15]: Mariam Katherine Whelan
- DD [12]: Phoebe Edith WhelanDD [41]: Juliette Jane Dangelo
- DW [36]: Cleo Sofia Zielinski
- DS [2]: Noah Leon Dangelo-ZielinskiCordelia & Archer; Gabriel, Aurora, Amaya, and Juliette
Gabriel & Imogen; Cersei and Sky
Aurora & Marcel; Will, Sebastian, Lily Rose, Keenan, Lucy, and Shiloh
Will & Scarlett; Milo and Julia
Sebastian & Ainsley; Charlotte & Isla
Amaya & Eli; Mariam and Phoebe
Juliette & Cleo; Noah*DS1 [Arthur, 67]:
ExW [67]: Frances Elizabeth Guinn (formerly Clancy)DD [46]: Ella Aubrey Havens (née Clancy)
- DH [46]: Harlan Augustus Havens
- DD [24]: Seren Augusta Havens
- DS [23]: Jack Alex Havens
-- DW [23]: Sadia Alizai-Havens (née Alizai)
-- DD [2]: Nasreen Arianna Havens
-- DS [exp]: Amir Rafiq Havens
- DS [20]: Ezra Cassius Havens
- DS [18]: Julian Lyle Havens
-- DGf [18]: Jasmine Lorelei Booker
- DS [14]: Orion Benedict Havens
- DD [8]: Beatrice Vienna HavensDS [43]: Tristan Raleigh Clancy
- DW [39]: Margaret Patience Clancy (née Harwood) "Meg"
- DW'sDD [22]: Ada Philippa Clancy (née Harwood)
- DS [15]: Ethan Jacob Clancy
- DD [13]: Clara Mercy Clancy
- DS [10]: Josiah Thomas Clancy
- DS [8]: James Abraham Clancy
- DS [3]: Byron Alan ClancyDW [61]: Madara Elita Clancy (née Soulis)DD [33]: Annora Solveiga Kiefer (née Clancy)
- DH [32]: Cedric Charles Kiefer
- DD [1]: Ilona Karina KieferDS [30]: Nathaniel Fricis Clancy "Nate"
- DGf [26]: Faye Nadine ColbyArthur & Frances; Ella and Tristan
Ella & Harlan; Seren, Jack, Ezra, Julian, Orion, and Beatrice
Jack & Sadia; Nasreen and exp Amir
Julian & Jasmine
Tristan & Meg; Ethan, Clara, Josiah, James, and Byron
Meg & ExSO; Ada
Arthur & Madara; Annora and Nate
Annora & Cedric; Ilona
Nate & Faye*DS2 [Oliver, 64]:
DW [64]: Ivy Katrina Clancy (née O'Sullivan)DS [40]: Oliver Felix Clancy Jr. "Felix"
- ADD [4]: Theia Evelia ClancyDS [38]: Daniel Truman Clancy
- DW [36]: Elsa June Clancy (née Moreno)
- DS [9]: Israel Monroe Clancy
- DS [7]: Abram Nigel Clancy
- DD [4]: Leena Miriam Clancy
- DS [2]: Skylar Austin Clancy
- DD [exp]: Winter Justice ClancyDD [35]: Summer Serenity Dahl (née Clancy)
- DH [35]: Jannik Loke Dahl
- DD [5]: Tilde Rakel Dahl
- DS [2]: Ingvar Anders DahlDD [30]: Liliana Adele ClancyOliver & Ivy; Felix, Daniel, Summer, and Liliana
Felix; Theia
Daniel & Elsa; Israel, Abram, Leena, Skylar, and exp Winter
Summer & Jannik; Tilde and Ingvar*DS3 [Theodore, 50]:
DW [47]: Amber Lindsey Clancy (née Keane)DD [25]: Jody Paris Radford (née Clancy)
- DH [27]: Nathan Edward Radford
- DS [4]: Micah Demetrius Radford
- DD [2]: Adrienne Leigh Radford "Addie"
- DD [exp]: Celeste Alina RadfordDD [23]: Ilana Maura Clancy
- DBf [24]: Zeppelin Django Kozlowski
- DD [18m]: Rebecca Renee Kozlowski
- DD [exp]: Antonia Cathleen KozlowskiDD [20]: Emma Violet Clancy
DS [17]: Theodore Alexander Clancy Jr. "Theo"
DD/DD [5]: Sylvie Lauren Clancy & Betsy Tabitha ClancyTheodore & Amber; Jody, Ilana, Emma, Theo, and Sylvie & Betsy
Jody & Nathan; Micah, Addie, and exp Celeste
Ilana & Zeppelin; Rebecca and exp AntoniaLISTEN TO THE MUSTN'TS
- Shel SilversteinListen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
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