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[Opinions] Julia or Juliet?
Which one?
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If I really, truly had to pick one, I'd probably opt for Juliet. It is over the top, maudlin, dramatic and kind of kitschy, which is my kinda scene. Julia is better, it's classy and gorgeous and there's literally not one thing wrong with it, and I just can't be trusted to handle that kind of quality.
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Juliet. Julia is nice, but a wee bit blah. Juliet just has the right amount of spunk, sweetness, and sophistication.
(In my opinion)
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Julia overall, Juliet is too frilly.
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I genuinely find the name Julia to be one of the most gorgeous girl names...I wish that I were able to use it on a potential daughter. I also enjoy the name Juliet, but I just prefer Julia; Julia is shorter, which I like.
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Julia is dated now, but I think it will come back. It's objectively pretty. Juliet is pretty but almost too pretty because you have to be attractive to pull it off. Any random person could be a "Julia" or "Julie", but only young and attractive people could be "Juliet". I'm only 30 and even I would be too frumpy to pull of Juliet. If that was my name I'd be stuck with introducing myself as Julie and hoping no one asks what it's short for.
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Julia being dated is weird to me. I feel like it's completely timeless.
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I don't think the name itself sounds "old" but I'd definitely be surprised to meet a very young Julia. (baby, kid, teen, or even 20-something)
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Interesting. I'm 20 and Julia is quite common in my age group.
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Juliana for me. followed by Juliet. Julia is too pedestrian for me most of the time.
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Juliet all the way, but only as a mn to avoid the ghastly juliET. Julia seems smug and scornful.
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I prefer Juliet because it's more stylish and tragic.
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I prefer Julia, but both are gorgeous!
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I'm not interested in Juliet, but I personally don't like Julia, so I'll choose Juliet.
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