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[Opinions] David Alexander or Christopher Allen?
Which name?
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David Alexander

This message was edited 1/11/2024, 1:36 PM

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I prefer Christopher Allen because those names are friendlier than the others, in my opinion. I actually quite like Christopher—if you decontextualize it, it’s a rather baroque name, and the meaning is extravagant. Plus, I love the nickname Kit, and you could also use Cal for Christopher Allen.
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Difficult question - I love all the names.I’d probably go with David Alexander as it feels more timeless, but Christopher is a brilliant name too.
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David Alexander for sure.
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David Alexander
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Christopher Allen flows better.
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David Alexander has the ring of a more timeless classic. Christopher Allen is handsome, but both names feel dated right now. Although I'm not a fan of David, I have to say David Alexander has more "impact". Christopher Allen has a faded, gently old-fashioned spirit to it, which I honestly like much more.
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I like David Alexander the best, the names sound nice together, and there are so many options for nicknames too!
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I prefer the flow of Christopher Allen, so my vote goes for that choice.
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David Alexander; good names, good flow, and Alexander is too long for convenient fn use. I'm not a fan of Christopher - not keen on its nns - and far prefer Alan to Allen.
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Christopher Allen
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