[Opinions] Cadence wdyt?
What do you think of this name for a girl? I like it. I prefer this spelling to Kadence, Kaydence, or worse Kaidynce.
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I think that it's a fun name, though it wouldn't be my first choice.
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I like it, and I prefer the original spelling. I prefer it over Candace - I'd rather be called Cade / Cady as a nickname than Candy or Ace.
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It reminds me of Candace but I prefer Candace over it.
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Despise it, but like Candace.
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I dislike it intensely. I don't like Allegra, Carol or Melody either.
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I hate it. Even worse when it's spelled creatively. It doesn't indicate a love of music to me at all. It's a superficial culture signal that badly disguises total ignorance. Like a supposed film buff who names their kid, I dunno, "Camera". But of course they'll lecture you about their incredible soul-connection to the medium that "inspired" the name and how you Just Don't Get It. It's the Frankenstein monster of the "modern virtue" trend, the Kay- trend, and the -aden trend. I should be more tolerant of this name but I am not.
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It’s one of those names that I want to like as I think the name looks and sounds pretty, but all I can really see/hear is the word.

This message was edited 1/7/2024, 9:34 AM

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I like musical names, so I like Cadence. The regular spelling is the best one.
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Yes, totally agree!! I love musical names!
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I am neutral about this.
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I think it's dumb and seems so totally random as a name. It's not a virtue, it's not even mainly associated with positive qualities the way Harmony or Melody is. It's just another word for rhythm.
Cadence is not even necessarily musical, it can be like a rhythm to work or march by.
Did you ever see the movie "Full Metal Jacket?" When the new Marine recruits are in basic training, they learn to march in step with each other. Their drill instructor, Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, calls cadence with a very raunchy little ditty that begins "I don't know but I've been told ..." and the rest of the line is not "Fitted sheets are hard to fold."
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Yep. I live in a military town and cadence calls to mind all those little chants they say as they run in PT.
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This is one of my favorite names! But I’m a bit biased since I’m a musician, haha.
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It's ok, I much prefer Candace
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