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[Opinions] Re: I would like to ask your opinions and naming styles.
1. Questions regarding opinions 1-1. Natural name
-What do you think about natural names that have traditionally been used as human names?
They would basically be flower names; I like Iris and names starting with Ros- or Rose- or Rosa- , but not most of the others.
-What do you think about natural names that have been used as human names relatively recently?
They tend to be more geographical: Savannah, Ocean, Luna. I wouldn’t use them.
-What do you think about using natural names, which were not commonly used as names until recently, as people's names?
1-2. Gemstone name
-What do you think about gemstone names that have traditionally been used as people's names?
Gemstone names used traditionally are Pearl and Ruby. I wouldn’t use them.
-What do you think about gem names that have been used as people's names relatively recently?
Amber, Emerald, Jade etc are quite usual. I wouldn’t use them.
-What do you think about using the name of a gemstone as a person's name, which until recently was not commonly used as a name?
It wouldn’t surprise me, but I wouldn’t do it myself. Peridot might work for some people.
1-3. Virtue name
-What do you think about the names of traditional virtues?
I think they can easily be a burden to their bearer. Purity, for instance; Honour; even Grace is a tall order.
-What do you think about the names of modern virtues?
I can’t think of any right now.
-What do you think about using virtue names that were not commonly used as names until recently as personal names?
Once again, my mind’s a blank.
1-4. Surnames
-What do you think about using professional surnames as first names?
I wonder which is worse: a doctor named Busdriver or a bus driver named Doctor.
What do you think about using last names ending in --son as first names?
If it’s a family surname, then OK. Otherwise it’s just silly. To be clear: one name that doesn’t fit this question is Alison, where the -on ending is a diminutive marker.
-What do you think about using surnames derived from place names as first names?
Well, I don’t enjoy surnames as given names, and I don’t enjoy place names as given names either!
-What do you think about using a surname as a male name?
Better than using it as a female name; unless, once again, it’s a family surname in which case it’s OK.
-What do you think about using a surnames as a female names?
I think that people still expect lnfns on boys and men; so a female with that kind of name would probably have a lot of explaining to do.
-What do you think about using surnames as first names, which until recently were not commonly used as first names?
I think it’s trendy but unlikely to stay popular. Something else will replace it.
1--5. Place name
-What do you think about using city names as names? (condition that the real name already exists)
I live in a town named Hermanus after an early inhabitant. Some distance up the coast there was Port Elizabeth (name recently changed); inland, there’s Johannesburg. I’d leave off the Port and the -burg, of course!
-What do you think about using country names as names? (condition that the real name already exists)
Like Chad or India? I find it silly and unsuccessful.
- What do you think about using continent names as names? (condition that the real name already exists)
Even sillier than country names.
- What do you think about using place names as personal names that were not commonly used as names until recently?
It’s a trend.
1-6. Title
-What do you think about using a title that was previously used as a name?
Like, Lady? Princess? Earl? Very silly.
- What do you think about using a title as a name that has never been used as a name before?
Regrettable; pretentious; sad.
1-7. fandom name
-What do you think about naming a child after a character whose name is commonly used in real life?
Depends on the character. Rather Othello than Iago, for instance.
-What do you think about naming a child after a character that exists in real life but whose name is dated and not often used among peers?
Anything goes! Once again, if the character is OK, so is their name.
-What do you think about giving a child a name that is either very rare in real life or created by the creator, but has become popular and mainstream?
Popular names often, but not always, date their owner.
-What do you think about giving a child a name that is very rare in real life, or a name created by the creator and not popular in real life?
I don’t find uniqueness in naming to be necessary or even a good idea.
-What do you think about naming a child after a fictional common noun?
Can’t think of one.
- What do you think about naming a child after a fictional surname?
I’d wonder what the reason was. The sound or look of the name, or the nature of the character?
-What do you think about naming a child after a fictional place name?
Like Narnia? Bad idea.
-What do you think about naming a child after a fictional title?
Probably better than a real-life title, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
1-8. Names in other languages
-What do you think about using names in different languages from the same continent/culture?
(Example: German gives their child a Spanish name)
Harmless, but the child will have a lot of explaining to do.
-What do you think about using names from other languages from other continents/cultures?
(ex. American gives their child a Japanese name)
As above: the child will spend their life explaining that there is no explanation!
-What do you think about naming a child a common noun from another language?
Depends on the common noun. As long as it doesn’t sound beautiful but mean Toilet or Riot or Detergent …
-What do you think about naming your child a surname from another language?
If there’s a good reason, then fine. If not, not.
-What do you think about naming your child a title from another language?
Koningin for instance? No. Makes the parents seem ignorant.
1-9. meaning
- How much does the positive connotation of your name affect how you feel about it?
Not at all.
- How much does the neutral meaning of a name affect how you feel about it?
I don’t think about meanings much. If a name meaning Slender was given to someone who turned out plump and clumsy, I’d feel sorry for them.
- How much does the negative connotation of your name affect how you feel about it?
Not at all.10. Association
-How much do your personal positive associations with a name influence how you feel about it?
That seems rather circular. My personal positive associations with the bearer of a name could probably influence how I felt about it.
- How much do famous positive associations with a name influence how you feel about it?
Not at all.
-How much do your personal negative associations with a name affect how you feel about it?
Another circular question. And again, my associations with the bearer of a name could influence my feelings.
-How much do the famous negative associations with a name affect how you feel about it?
I’ve known a couple of people named Adolf, and it didn’t matter.
-How much does a strong association with just one specific person/character influence how you feel about it? (ex. Adolf, Elvis)
It might well influence how I felt about the bearer’s parents!1-11. popularity
-How much does how popular it is currently affect your feelings about the name?
Mixed feelings: I’m happy for names I like to be popular, but any name which is very popular becomes boring.
-How much does the peak of a name's popularity affect how you feel about it?
It totally doesn’t.
1-12. Gender association
-What do you think about giving boys unisex names that are more commonly used for boys?
I don’t enjoy most unisex names.
-What do you think about giving boys unisex names that are more commonly used for girls?
I don’t enjoy most unisex names.
- What do you think about giving girls unisex names that are more commonly used for boys?
As above
- What do you think about giving girls unisex names that are more commonly used for girls?
As above
-What do you think about very masculine boy names?
Like Butch or Rocky? Or like Graham or Albert? I can’t generalise.
-What do you think about very feminine girl names?
I mostly prefer names that aren’t conspicuously frilly.
1-13. Middle name
- What do you think about not having a middle name?
I think it’s a lost opportunity.
- What do you think about having more than one middle name?
My children have two middle names; their surname is very common, and it helps to identify them.
-What do you think about very unusual or unconventional middle names?
I’m unlikely to even know what they are!
- What do you think about ‘filler’ middle names?
Some are; some aren’t. My mn is Anne, which has traditionally been a filler, but in my case I’m named Anne after my paternal grandmother (it was her mn).
14. Honor Name
-What do you think about honor names that are modified to sound similar to the name of the person you are trying to honor? (ex. The baby was named Jane in honor of Jennifer)
Jane and Jennifer don’t work for me. We chose to use Mary rather than Maria to honour my husband’s late mother: it’s the same name, but it sounded better with the other names we’d chosen.
-What do you think about honor names that are modified to have a similar meaning to the name of the person you are trying to honor? (ex. The baby was named Megan in honor of Pearl)
I’d rather be Megan than Pearl! But, I chose to use Beatrice rather than, say, Felicity or Joy. Impossible to generalise.
-What do you think about using an honor name as a first name?
My daughter, fn Beatrice, is named after my mother, fn Beatrice. She’s happy and so am I.
1-15. Character naming
-What do you think about all the characters having names that were popular when they were born?
Not popular necessarily, but not from another time or place either. Jane Austen wouldn’t have named a character Everleigh or Dakota.
-What do you think about characters whose names are old compared to their age? (ex. a teenage character named Patricia)
It happens in real life. Why not for a character?-What do you think about characters with names that existed at birth but were not popular at the time, but then became popular? (ex. A character in her 50s named Amber)
I’d be unmoved.
-What do you think about characters with names that were old when they were born, but later became very popular? (ex. A character in her 30s named Hazel)
Once again, I’d be unmoved.
-What do you think about characters with names that didn't exist when they were born, but exist now? (ex. A character in his 70s named Nevaeh)
That does make the author seem like an amateur.
2. Questions about naming style
-What name best describes your taste?
Timeless English-language classics
-Among your favorite names, which one is very different from your usual favorite style?
-What about a name you didn’t like at first, but started to like?
Can’t think of any
-What about a name you originally liked, but later lost interest or came to dislike?
Can’t think of any
-It's a naming style that suits your taste, but what about names you're not interested in or don't like?
Then, I’m not interested or I don’t like them. What else?
-What name is the exact opposite of your style?
-Which alphabet do you like most about names starting in it?
I don’t think like that.
-What alphabet do you like most about names ending in it?
I don’t think like that either.
-What alphabet do you dislike most about names starting in it?
Or like that.
-What alphabet do you dislike most about names ending in it?
Or that.
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