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[Opinions] Lowell & Wayland
These two charted in the early 20th century. Wayland only for a bit, Lowell for quite a bit longer.I especially like Lowell. I'm not sure why. Both definitely give off a western, cowboy vibe to me. Thoughts? Similar names? For girls' I think Nola & Neva fit the bill.
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They remind me less of cowboys than of butlers, which I love!
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Wayland, as in Wayland Smith? Many strange legends about him, but of course his smithy would have been on a busy road, a Way across the Land. I love the link to ancient stories, but they make it less than suitable for a modern child with computer games and denims.I vaguely recall reading, in a history of South African radio, that there was an announcer called Lowell Johnson; I thought at the time that he was probably American, and, sure enough!
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Don't like either
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I like Lowell a lot. The meaning and sound are both great. Mysterious, natural, not too weird,Wayland is just TOO cowboy. Like Waylon. Also sounds like (and autocorrects to) “waylaid”, which isn’t good.Willa?
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