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[Opinions] Re: Girls with interesting names born in Ohio between 2011-2015 [I, J, K & L]
These lists make me feel so great, I'm SO glad there are weird names like these out in the world. Shernoble is really unfortunate, though. Why? Why?? I only pray that it was an accidental creation that is entirely unrelated to Chernobyl. Thank goodness it's in the middle I guess.Khaleesi Michonne is kind of funny. I don't know why, but naming a kid after two fictional characters that were popular ten years ago but nobody really cares about anymore is both a bit sad and endearing. Like you just know that one of the parents made some kind of youthful vow to name a kid after the characters that dazzled them, and by golly they DID IT. I'm sure this kind of thing happens more often that I think, it's just usually not so noticeable. I have to say that it's interesting the way people are getting more inventive with names, and it's so wild how the spelling choices reflect the trends. At least, it seems that way to me. So many of these names look like someone wanted to make a name "unique" the way we see parents spelling popular "tryndee" names, but they did it with names that are ALREADY highly unique. That's so cool! It's like.... Franken-naming. Taking parts of multiple trends and stitching them together.
It's fascinating. It feels like the hunger for uniqueness is getting stronger and stronger, so much so that even highly obscure choices are not special enough and need bedazzling.
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