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[Opinions] Re: how popular in Eloise in ur country/ state/ city?
In Spain the name isn't used at all, I guess only people with foreign origins would use it, so I've never met anyone with the name. There is a song from 1988 called "Eloise" by the Spanish singer Tino Casal, though. It's pretty famous in Spain, especially amongst older generations. Here's the link in case you'd like to hear it:'d picture an Eloise as a woman in her 20s or maybe even a teenager. Tanned or black skin, black curly hair, light eyes...I used to hate the name Eloise but it has grown on me and now I really like it.
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Heard about the song! its quite interesting considering "Eloise" wasn't even a popular name back then but contribute to a popular song.
I also feel like Eloise will be someone in youth but not small kids, or at least for the ones that go by their full name instead of "Ellie", which has an image of a little girl

This message was edited 12/30/2023, 1:31 AM

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