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[Games] Re: ari's NTNB #4 (21/12/2023) + note
in reply to a message by ari.
Not that I don’t appreciate the thought, but Tahmina Upendo Magnolia was actually Laura B’s combo. H [44] Erdem Batu (Nix)
W [44] Judith Deliverance Bexley "Jude" (AhaRememo)SD [19] Buchanan Deliverance Chicago van de Enden "Annie" (Ohad Yigal)
- GF [19] Marina Sólja LützenS [13] Aurelian Tögöldör Everhart Batu "Ari" (JuliaF)
AD & AS [6] Tahmina Upendo Magnolia Batu "Mina" (JuliaF) & Leofric Sefu Honeycomb Batu "Leo" (Molly)+ Borzoi [dec at 14] Temülün (Wordsmith)
+ Dog [0] Aigiarn (female pug)
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Sorry, fixed it!
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