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[Opinions] my cats over the years
Chaplin (F)
Tom (F)
Binks (F)
MiniMe (F)
Moog (M)
Frodo (M)
Weasley (M)
Rose (F)
Dory (F)
Una (F)
Dua (F)
Poppins (F)
Ponyo (M)
Molly (M)
Sōsuke (F)
Jar Jar (M)
Brigham (M)
Ephraim (M)
Abu-Moog (M)
Abu-Ponyo (M)
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WOW! That's a lot, lol. I like Sosuke, Rose, Weasly (Harry Potter!), Poppins, and Molly.
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I spelled Weasley wrong. That's embarrassing.
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My favourite names are Chaplin, Frodo, Weasley, Dua, Poppins, Jar Jar and Brigham.I've just realised, it seems like I have a preference for pet names that reference characters hahaha.
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I like: Binks (I prefer this for a male cat)
Molly (I’ve actually started liking this name just recently)
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I like Binks, Frodo, dory, Poppins, Ponyo, jar jar
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Aw, I bet they were all wonderful; I’m certainly jealous of you (I’m actually allergic to cat dander, despite having a cat at 8 years old 😭)!! I tend to name my pets based on their characteristics, based on physical appearance and personality…so, I can’t say that I’d (personally) use these names (on my own pets), without seeing the animals first. However, I really think that Rose would be such a nice name for a cat, regardless of appearance!
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I can say: Weasley was named for being orange, ponyo was named after the anime character by my mother who wanted him to grow strong like her, Sōsuke is Ponyo's male friend in the movie, and the cat bearing his name is a female that looks exactly like ponyo. Minime bear that name due to looking very similar to her mother, Binks. JarJar had that name for being Binks' friend and baby daddy.
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Dude, I love those origin stories for their names; they’re so meaningful, interesting, and cool!!
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Wow! What a lot ... I'm impressed. And particularly impressed by a female Tom!
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she was named after her lookalike, tom from Tom&Jerry. Her sister Chaplin got the name because she's black and white. some of these cats are street cats that have lodged in our yard, kinda like a cat soup kitchen.
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They clearly know that they will be safe there: you can be proud of that.
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