[Opinions] Shae + Shai
WDYT of the names Shae & Shai for girls?Not for twins, just wdyt of the names in general?Do you prefer them for boys or girls?

This message was edited 3/30/2023, 11:03 PM

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Shae is nice, it seems quiet and cute and friendly, but I do prefer Shay. Shai looks cool but it sounds too much like the word "shy".
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Shae's not a name I'd consider, but it seems pleasant enough. It's simple and sounds old but current. It reminds me of Sean, Seamus, Shannon, Shaina, O'Shea, Rae, Fay, Jay, all the *aiden names. I think of it as unisex. I like it a lot more for guys than I like Shane, and I like it a lot more for girls than I like Fay.I wouldn't have known Shai was pronounced the same (I want it to rhyme with eye) despite being familiar with Shaina, so I'm not a fan of that spelling.

This message was edited 3/31/2023, 6:12 PM

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My father's name is Shay, so the names feel more masculine to me. I don't like how they're spelled, too frilly.
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Shae is ok as a nn for a girl
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They both look more like nicknames than full names. I find them flimsy.
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Love on both! So pretty; sweet but also striking and strong. Girl: Shai > Shay > Shae
Boys: Shay > Shai > Shae
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