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[Opinions] Re: Viggo and Lage
in reply to a message by )(
I like Viggo and it's quite popular where I am. It's a simple name, most people will know the name and how to spell and pronounce it. Lage on the other hand... that is a difficult name. I don't necessarily think you have to choose a name that works well internationally. It's already a trend and quite a few names are 'dying' because of it. But I doubt most English speaking people would pronounce Lage correctly (lahg-eh) and even in Sweden it's an odd name. So not a fan.
Someone posted about Leif recently and only two or three people actually knew the correct pronunciation (not leef) and I guess that's fine but then it's not really the same name anymore and it has been adapted to the English speaking world and something is lost.
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