[Games] Feb 3: Southern Namebank CAF
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LN: https://surnames.behindthename.com/submit/names/pattern/*south* https://surnames.behindthename.com/names/pattern/*south*
DH: Lancaster Elemore Satchel Branford Lovelace Hark Decker Saylen Duke Oxford Judson Theotis
Wynette Saylen Joeanne Chlora Arilla Olaphine Cicily Maloree Alidia Lurline Trinnie Clarencia Avalinn Classie Willory Adavia Sippie Lycelia Clemenza Billiejo Corelia Vaylor Laylee Renessa Anniebell Millinea Cricket Birda Emmer Sophronia Lockey Alethaire Walterine Forrestine Bobbyjo Medea Hesterly Annclaire Idona Byrdie Texanna Nolie Imojean Leatha Romilla Willowdean Aralie Isalie Caretta Lewisa

LN: https://surnames.behindthename.com/submit/names/pattern/*south* https://surnames.behindthename.com/names/pattern/*south*
DH: Lancaster Elemore Satchel Branford Lovelace Hark Decker Saylen Duke Oxford Judson Theotis
Wynette Saylen Joeanne Chlora Arilla Olaphine Cicily Maloree Alidia Lurline Trinnie Clarencia Avalinn Classie Willory Adavia Sippie Lycelia Clemenza Billiejo Corelia Vaylor Laylee Renessa Anniebell Millinea Cricket Birda Emmer Sophronia Lockey Alethaire Walterine Forrestine Bobbyjo Medea Hesterly Annclaire Idona Byrdie Texanna Nolie Imojean Leatha Romilla Willowdean Aralie Isalie Caretta Lewisa

DH: Branford Lancaster South
DW: Clemenza Walterine Söder South
DD: Wynette Isalie South
DD/DD: Avalinn Lewisa South & Imojean Arilla South
DD: Romilla Cicily South
DW: Clemenza Walterine Söder South
DD: Wynette Isalie South
DD/DD: Avalinn Lewisa South & Imojean Arilla South
DD: Romilla Cicily South
DH: Elemore Theotis
DW: Sophronia Imojean
DD: Olaphine Alidia
DD/DD: Forrestine Hesterly & Joeanne Lurline
DD: Clarenica Vaylor
DW: Sophronia Imojean
DD: Olaphine Alidia
DD/DD: Forrestine Hesterly & Joeanne Lurline
DD: Clarenica Vaylor
DH: Judson Lancaster Southgate
DW: Lockey Chlora Southgate “Lola”
DD: Alethaire Vaylor Southgate “Allie”
DD/DD: Birda Saylen Southgate/ Billiejo Imojean Southgate “Jo”
DD: Caretta Laylee Southgate
Judson & Lola Southgate: Allie, Birda, Jo, & Caretta
DW: Lockey Chlora Southgate “Lola”
DD: Alethaire Vaylor Southgate “Allie”
DD/DD: Birda Saylen Southgate/ Billiejo Imojean Southgate “Jo”
DD: Caretta Laylee Southgate
Judson & Lola Southgate: Allie, Birda, Jo, & Caretta
DH: Judson Decker
DW: Lewisa Willowdean
DD: Avalinn Byrdie
DD/DD: Laylee Annclaire/ Billiejo Cicily
DD: Clarencia Lockey
DW: Lewisa Willowdean
DD: Avalinn Byrdie
DD/DD: Laylee Annclaire/ Billiejo Cicily
DD: Clarencia Lockey
DH: Branford Elemore "Duke" Sutherland
DW: Walterine Vaylor Southworth
DD: Lycelia Joeanne Sutherland
DS: Branford Elemore "Ford" Sutherland, Jr.
DD/DD: Renessa Laylee & Romilla Nolie Sutherland
DS: Theotis Vaylor "Theo" Sutherland
DD: Willowdean Byrdie Sutherland
DW: Walterine Vaylor Southworth
DD: Lycelia Joeanne Sutherland
DS: Branford Elemore "Ford" Sutherland, Jr.
DD/DD: Renessa Laylee & Romilla Nolie Sutherland
DS: Theotis Vaylor "Theo" Sutherland
DD: Willowdean Byrdie Sutherland
DH: Branford Decker Southgate
DW: Willory Vaylor (South) Southgate
DD: Emmer Isalie Southgate
DD/DD: Annclaire Nolie Southgate / Byrdie Alethaire Southgate
DD: Cricket Saylen Southgate
DW: Willory Vaylor (South) Southgate
DD: Emmer Isalie Southgate
DD/DD: Annclaire Nolie Southgate / Byrdie Alethaire Southgate
DD: Cricket Saylen Southgate
Branford Lovelace Southernland
Lockey Texanna Southwick
Cicily Wynette Sophronia
Vaylor Adavia Walterine
Imojean Lycelia Willory
Corelia Hesterly Willowdean
Lockey Texanna Southwick
Cicily Wynette Sophronia
Vaylor Adavia Walterine
Imojean Lycelia Willory
Corelia Hesterly Willowdean
DH: Decker Hark Southwell
DW: Caretta Willory Lockey “Carrie” [Southby] Southwell
DD: Willowdean Laylee Southwell
DD: Hesterly Texanna Corelia Southwell (twin)
DD: Nolie Lurline Maloree Southwell (twin)
DD: Romilla Isalie Southwell
DW: Caretta Willory Lockey “Carrie” [Southby] Southwell
DD: Willowdean Laylee Southwell
DD: Hesterly Texanna Corelia Southwell (twin)
DD: Nolie Lurline Maloree Southwell (twin)
DD: Romilla Isalie Southwell
DH: Decker Judson Southby “DJ”
DW: Willowdean Joeanne [Souths] Southby “Willa”
DD: Annclaire Sophronia Southby “Annie”
DD/DD: Corelia Imojean Southby “Cora” / Aralie Caretta Southby “Ari”
DD: Avalinn Lewisa Southby “Ava”
DW: Willowdean Joeanne [Souths] Southby “Willa”
DD: Annclaire Sophronia Southby “Annie”
DD/DD: Corelia Imojean Southby “Cora” / Aralie Caretta Southby “Ari”
DD: Avalinn Lewisa Southby “Ava”
DH: Saylen Oxford Sudworth, Jr.
DW: Adavia Isalie [Middaugh] Sudworth
DS: Saylen "Ford" Oxford Sudworth, III
DD: Cicily Willowdean Sudworth
DD/DD: Idona "Dona" Lurline Sudworth / Alethaire "Ally" Walterine Sudworth
DS: Judson Lancaster Sudworth
DD: Annclaire "Annie" Olaphine Sudworth
DD: Sophronia "Sophie" Vaylor Sudworth
DD: Corelia Renessa Sudworth
DW: Adavia Isalie [Middaugh] Sudworth
DS: Saylen "Ford" Oxford Sudworth, III
DD: Cicily Willowdean Sudworth
DD/DD: Idona "Dona" Lurline Sudworth / Alethaire "Ally" Walterine Sudworth
DS: Judson Lancaster Sudworth
DD: Annclaire "Annie" Olaphine Sudworth
DD: Sophronia "Sophie" Vaylor Sudworth
DD: Corelia Renessa Sudworth
DH: Elemore Judson Southley
DW: Adavia Isalie Southley
DD: Olaphine Leatha Southley
DD/DD: Forrestine Vaylor Southley / Walterine Byrdie Southley
DD: Emmer Willory Southley
DW: Adavia Isalie Southley
DD: Olaphine Leatha Southley
DD/DD: Forrestine Vaylor Southley / Walterine Byrdie Southley
DD: Emmer Willory Southley
DH: Branford Lancaster Southers
DW: Leatha Cicily {Southgate} Southers
DD: Isalie Adavia Southers
DD/DD: Saylen Alethaire & Alidia Annclaire Southers
DD: Romilla Byrdie Southers
DW: Leatha Cicily {Southgate} Southers
DD: Isalie Adavia Southers
DD/DD: Saylen Alethaire & Alidia Annclaire Southers
DD: Romilla Byrdie Southers
LN: Southlawn-Southsea
DH: Lancaster Elmore [Southsea]
DW: Olaphine Clemenza [Southlawn]
DD: Clarencia Billiejo
DD/DD: Willoedean Texanna / Forrestine Trinnie
DD: Alethaire Imojean
DH: Lancaster Elmore [Southsea]
DW: Olaphine Clemenza [Southlawn]
DD: Clarencia Billiejo
DD/DD: Willoedean Texanna / Forrestine Trinnie
DD: Alethaire Imojean
LN: Southern
DH: Branford Judson Southern
DW: Byrdie Millinea
DD: Clemenza Imojean
DD/DD: Cicily Arilla & Willowdean Medea
DD: Sophronia Alethaire
DH: Branford Judson Southern
DW: Byrdie Millinea
DD: Clemenza Imojean
DD/DD: Cicily Arilla & Willowdean Medea
DD: Sophronia Alethaire
The Southwick Family
H: Elemore Branford Southwick, "Duke"
W: Lurline Caretta (Lancaster) Southwick, "Cricket"
D1: Romilla Caretta Southwick, "Romy"
D2 / D3: Willory Chlora Southwick, "Billie" / Willowdean Cicily Southwick, "Deanie"
D4: Alidia Wynette Southwick, "Ally"
H: Elemore Branford Southwick, "Duke"
W: Lurline Caretta (Lancaster) Southwick, "Cricket"
D1: Romilla Caretta Southwick, "Romy"
D2 / D3: Willory Chlora Southwick, "Billie" / Willowdean Cicily Southwick, "Deanie"
D4: Alidia Wynette Southwick, "Ally"
DH: Lancaster Lovelace Southgate
DW: Willowdean Corelia Southgate
DD: Lurline Romilla Southgate
DD/DD: Annclaire Sophronia Southgate & Isalie Medea Southgate
DD: Caretta Walterine Southgate
DW: Willowdean Corelia Southgate
DD: Lurline Romilla Southgate
DD/DD: Annclaire Sophronia Southgate & Isalie Medea Southgate
DD: Caretta Walterine Southgate
DH: Decker Elemore Southard
DW: Byrdie Idona née Southwall
DD: Renessa Billiejo Southard
DD/DD: Arilla Byrdie / Maloree Cricket Southard
DD: Idona Willory Southard
DW: Byrdie Idona née Southwall
DD: Renessa Billiejo Southard
DD/DD: Arilla Byrdie / Maloree Cricket Southard
DD: Idona Willory Southard