[Opinions] Nova
Happy New Years wherever you are!
WDYT of the name Nova? What middle name would you use?
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

WDYT of the name Nova? What middle name would you use?

I know I’m in the minority here, but I actually like Nova.
I find this name very dull, I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe because I grew up with this word as a corporation name only, and I associate it with boring science videos we were forced to watch in class. Nova has no soul to it at all. I get why people are into it, it's a nice concept, it's very direct and simple, and it's like a space-age Nora. But for me it's like calling a kid PBS or something.
If I was forced to use it, maybe I'd try to lean into the "Nora of the year 3000" energy and pick something that would work for a winsome space scientist from a B-movie:
Nova Circe
Nova Cyanne
Nova Dejana
Nova Halyna
Nova Jördis
Nova Lóa
Nova Lore
Nova Maera
Nova Margunn
Nova Rae or Nova Ray
Or maybe I'd try to focus on the meaning and construct a fun sentence:
Nova Norma (new rules)
Nova Taika (new magic, new spell)
Nova Lindita (birth of a new day)
Nova Fe (new faith)
Nova Zarah (new blooming flower)
Nova Yume (new dream)
Nova Mirai (new future)
If I was forced to use it, maybe I'd try to lean into the "Nora of the year 3000" energy and pick something that would work for a winsome space scientist from a B-movie:
Nova Circe
Nova Cyanne
Nova Dejana
Nova Halyna
Nova Jördis
Nova Lóa
Nova Lore
Nova Maera
Nova Margunn
Nova Rae or Nova Ray
Or maybe I'd try to focus on the meaning and construct a fun sentence:
Nova Norma (new rules)
Nova Taika (new magic, new spell)
Nova Lindita (birth of a new day)
Nova Fe (new faith)
Nova Zarah (new blooming flower)
Nova Yume (new dream)
Nova Mirai (new future)
Nova Jördis is awesome. Nova Mirai is also good.