[Games] HHP #1
Move four names from purgatory: 2 to heaven and 2 to hell. After the first round, continue to repeat that pattern but move two names back to purgatory: 1 from heaven and 1 from hell.
Purgatory: Aspen Mirabelle Vanessa Grace Aurora Presley Irene Hazel Katya Sydney Kirsten Gwyneth Selah Rachel Marion Danica Constance Beatrice
Purgatory: Aspen Mirabelle Vanessa Grace Aurora Presley Irene Hazel Katya Sydney Kirsten Gwyneth Selah Rachel Marion Danica Constance Beatrice
Heaven: Hazel Marion Aspen
Purgatory: Mirabelle Aurora Irene Katya Sydney Gwyneth Selah Danica Constance Beatrice Grace Presley
Hell: Kirsten Rachel Vanessa
Purgatory: Mirabelle Aurora Irene Katya Sydney Gwyneth Selah Danica Constance Beatrice Grace Presley
Hell: Kirsten Rachel Vanessa
Heaven: Hazel Aspen Danica Selah Grace
Purgatory: Vanessa Mirabelle Katya Sydney Gwyneth Presley Beatrice Aurora
Hell: Kirsten Rachel Irene Marion Constance
Purgatory: Vanessa Mirabelle Katya Sydney Gwyneth Presley Beatrice Aurora
Hell: Kirsten Rachel Irene Marion Constance
Heaven: Aspen Danica Grace Vanessa Irene Katya Aurora
Purgatory: Mirabelle Katya Beatrice Aurora Rachel Selah
Hell: Kirsten Marion Constance Hazel Sydney, Presley, Gwyneth
Purgatory: Mirabelle Katya Beatrice Aurora Rachel Selah
Hell: Kirsten Marion Constance Hazel Sydney, Presley, Gwyneth
Heaven: Danica Grace Vanessa Irene Katya Selah Beatrice Rachel
Purgatory: Aurora Constance
Hell: Kirsten Marion Hazel Sydney Gwyneth Mirabelle Presley Aspen
Purgatory: Aurora Constance
Hell: Kirsten Marion Hazel Sydney Gwyneth Mirabelle Presley Aspen