[Games] Re: generation caf | 112322
in reply to a message by miss_lolita143
DH[88]: Richard Stephen Webb “Rich”
DW[83]: Margaret Olivia [Smith] Webb “Maggie”
DS[64]: Theodore Neil Webb “Theo”
DS[60]: William Philip Webb “Will”
DD[58]: Therese Adele Webb “Tessa”
DD[53]: Ruby Beatrice Webb “Ruby”
Rich & Maggie Webb: Theo, Will, Tessa, & Ruby
DS[64]: Theodore Neil Webb “Theo”
-DW[63]: Penelope Francine [McPherson] Webb “Penny”
-DD[41]: Elizabeth Alice [Webb] Small
--DH[44]: Jonathan Scott Small “Jon”
--DS[15]: Matthew Andrew Small “Matt”
--DD[12]: Noelle Anna Small “Noelle”
--DS[9]: Everett Maximilian Small “Rhett”
--DS[6]: Bennett Michael Small “Ben”
Theo & Penny Webb: Lizzie
-Lizzie & Jon Small: Matt, Noelle, Rhett, & Ben
DS[60]: William Philip Webb “Will”
-DW[58]: Kristine Jane [McBride] Webb “Kristy”
-DS[33]: Alexander Quentin Webb “Alex”
--DD[33]: Ava Michaela [Landry] Webb “Ava”
--DS[4]: Chance Dashiell Webb “Chance”
--DS[2]: Gabriel Edwin Webb “Gabe”
--DD[exp]: Emmalyn Reagan Webb “Emma”
-DD[33]: Anne Melissa Webb “Annie”
--DGF[35]: Grace Naomi Watson “Grace”
-DS[30]: Nicolas Patrick Webb “Nick”
--DW[32]: Lucia Cassidy Hancock “Lucy”
-DD[28]: Virginia Elaina Webb “Ginny”
--DBF[31]: Wesley Dane O’Connor “Wes”
-DD[24]: Charlotte Rose Webb “Charli”
--DFiance[23]: Benjamin Jonathan Foster “Benji”
-DS[19]: Axel Eugene Webb “Axel”
Will & Kristy Webb: Alex, Annie, Nick, Ginny, Charli, & Axel
-Alex & Ava Webb: Chance, Gabe, & Emma
-Annie Webb & Grace Watson
-Nick Webb & Lucy Hancock
-Ginny Webb & Wes O’Conner
-Charli Webb & Benji Foster
DD[58]: Therese Adele [Webb] Brown “Tessa”
-DH[63]: Blair Henry Brown “Blair”
-DD[33]: Caroline Alana [Brown] LeBlanc “Carrie”
--DH[34]: Owen Thaddeus LeBlanc “Owen”
--DS[7]: Leo David LeBlanc “Leo”
--DS[6]: Brooks Phillip LeBlanc “Brooks”
--DS[3]: Jesse Lawrence LeBlanc “Jesse”
--DS[1]: Tyson Randall LeBlanc “Ty”
-DS[32]: Ryan Jameson Brown “Ryan”
--DGF[28]: Zoe Gretchen Stafford “Zoe”
--DGF’sS[8]: Gavin Kieran Stafford-Brown “Gavin”
-DS[30]: Ian Mitchell Brown “Ian”
--DGF[25]: Kathleen Megan Phelps “Katie”
Tessa & Blair Brown: Carrie, Ryan, & Ian
-Carrie & Owen LeBlanc: Leo, Brooks, Jesse, & Ty
-Ryan Brown & Zoe Stafford: Gavin Stafford-Brown
-Ian Brown & Katie Phelps
DD[53]: Ruby Beatrice [Webb] Dunlap “Ruby”
-xH[54]: Cameron Maxwell McIntosh “Cameron”
-DD[27]: Lillian Georgia McIntosh “Lily”
--DFiance[32]: Christian Russell Sellers “Chris”
-DD[25]: Corinne Mary McIntosh “Corrie”
--DBF[25]: Darrin Ronald Bradley “Darrin”
-DD[22]: Devon Claire McIntosh “Devon”
-DS[18]: Justin Louis McIntosh “Justin”
-DD[15]: Eleanor Miriam McIntosh “Ella”
-DH[53]: Riley Frederick Dunlap “Riley”
-DstepD[20]: Keira Nicole Dunlap “Keira”
-DstepD[19]: Isabella Amanda Dunlap “Bella”
-DstepS[16]: Damian Ronan Dunlap “Damian”
Ruby & Cameron McIntosh: Lily, Corrie, Devon, Justin, & Ella
-Lily McIntosh & Chris Sellers
-Corrie McIntosh & Darrin Bradley
Ruby & Riley Dunlap: Keira, Bella, & Damian
imgur.com" />
Mommy to
DW[83]: Margaret Olivia [Smith] Webb “Maggie”
DS[64]: Theodore Neil Webb “Theo”
DS[60]: William Philip Webb “Will”
DD[58]: Therese Adele Webb “Tessa”
DD[53]: Ruby Beatrice Webb “Ruby”
Rich & Maggie Webb: Theo, Will, Tessa, & Ruby
DS[64]: Theodore Neil Webb “Theo”
-DW[63]: Penelope Francine [McPherson] Webb “Penny”
-DD[41]: Elizabeth Alice [Webb] Small
--DH[44]: Jonathan Scott Small “Jon”
--DS[15]: Matthew Andrew Small “Matt”
--DD[12]: Noelle Anna Small “Noelle”
--DS[9]: Everett Maximilian Small “Rhett”
--DS[6]: Bennett Michael Small “Ben”
Theo & Penny Webb: Lizzie
-Lizzie & Jon Small: Matt, Noelle, Rhett, & Ben
DS[60]: William Philip Webb “Will”
-DW[58]: Kristine Jane [McBride] Webb “Kristy”
-DS[33]: Alexander Quentin Webb “Alex”
--DD[33]: Ava Michaela [Landry] Webb “Ava”
--DS[4]: Chance Dashiell Webb “Chance”
--DS[2]: Gabriel Edwin Webb “Gabe”
--DD[exp]: Emmalyn Reagan Webb “Emma”
-DD[33]: Anne Melissa Webb “Annie”
--DGF[35]: Grace Naomi Watson “Grace”
-DS[30]: Nicolas Patrick Webb “Nick”
--DW[32]: Lucia Cassidy Hancock “Lucy”
-DD[28]: Virginia Elaina Webb “Ginny”
--DBF[31]: Wesley Dane O’Connor “Wes”
-DD[24]: Charlotte Rose Webb “Charli”
--DFiance[23]: Benjamin Jonathan Foster “Benji”
-DS[19]: Axel Eugene Webb “Axel”
Will & Kristy Webb: Alex, Annie, Nick, Ginny, Charli, & Axel
-Alex & Ava Webb: Chance, Gabe, & Emma
-Annie Webb & Grace Watson
-Nick Webb & Lucy Hancock
-Ginny Webb & Wes O’Conner
-Charli Webb & Benji Foster
DD[58]: Therese Adele [Webb] Brown “Tessa”
-DH[63]: Blair Henry Brown “Blair”
-DD[33]: Caroline Alana [Brown] LeBlanc “Carrie”
--DH[34]: Owen Thaddeus LeBlanc “Owen”
--DS[7]: Leo David LeBlanc “Leo”
--DS[6]: Brooks Phillip LeBlanc “Brooks”
--DS[3]: Jesse Lawrence LeBlanc “Jesse”
--DS[1]: Tyson Randall LeBlanc “Ty”
-DS[32]: Ryan Jameson Brown “Ryan”
--DGF[28]: Zoe Gretchen Stafford “Zoe”
--DGF’sS[8]: Gavin Kieran Stafford-Brown “Gavin”
-DS[30]: Ian Mitchell Brown “Ian”
--DGF[25]: Kathleen Megan Phelps “Katie”
Tessa & Blair Brown: Carrie, Ryan, & Ian
-Carrie & Owen LeBlanc: Leo, Brooks, Jesse, & Ty
-Ryan Brown & Zoe Stafford: Gavin Stafford-Brown
-Ian Brown & Katie Phelps
DD[53]: Ruby Beatrice [Webb] Dunlap “Ruby”
-xH[54]: Cameron Maxwell McIntosh “Cameron”
-DD[27]: Lillian Georgia McIntosh “Lily”
--DFiance[32]: Christian Russell Sellers “Chris”
-DD[25]: Corinne Mary McIntosh “Corrie”
--DBF[25]: Darrin Ronald Bradley “Darrin”
-DD[22]: Devon Claire McIntosh “Devon”
-DS[18]: Justin Louis McIntosh “Justin”
-DD[15]: Eleanor Miriam McIntosh “Ella”
-DH[53]: Riley Frederick Dunlap “Riley”
-DstepD[20]: Keira Nicole Dunlap “Keira”
-DstepD[19]: Isabella Amanda Dunlap “Bella”
-DstepS[16]: Damian Ronan Dunlap “Damian”
Ruby & Cameron McIntosh: Lily, Corrie, Devon, Justin, & Ella
-Lily McIntosh & Chris Sellers
-Corrie McIntosh & Darrin Bradley
Ruby & Riley Dunlap: Keira, Bella, & Damian

Mommy to