[Opinions] Breslin and Breslyn
What do you think of Breslin and Breslyn, which spelling do you prefer?“The more times and the more different things you do, the more likely it is that you succeed.” -Brian Tracy
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I’m not a fan at all.
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They remind me of breast a little bit & seem very trendy. but I guess Breslin is better.
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I think these names are tricky, lol. Honestly, I don't like them. They sounds rough to me. I prefer the Breslin spelling though.

This message was edited 11/10/2022, 7:03 AM

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Don't like it at all
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Do not like it except posibly as a surname, see: Jimmy Breslin. Never sub in a Y, it always looks goofy.
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Or actress Abigail Breslin and her brother, Spencer Breslin. Also an actor. That's who I immediately think of anyway.
100% agree with you on the 'Y' thing. Looks really, really bad.

This message was edited 11/9/2022, 5:20 PM

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