[Opinions] Isabel “Belly”
I’m watching something, and the character named Isabel has the nickname “Belly” by her friends and family. What are your thoughts? Cute? Ugly? Silly?
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare


If I heard this, my initial thought would be my grandmother, who I loved dearly but was excellent at body-shaming her grandchildren. I imagine this Isabel character was chubby as a child and Belly became a nickname based on that.
Feeeed theeee treeeee....
Sorry, no one will get that reference, lol.
I think Belly is a cute NN for Isabella. Rock on.
Sorry, no one will get that reference, lol.
I think Belly is a cute NN for Isabella. Rock on.
My niece Annabelle gets called Belly sometimes. Or she used to. I used to call her Bella and she made me quit but Belly was fine for some reason.
It's OK as a childish nickname! Weird as a name to go by...
It's OK as a childish nickname! Weird as a name to go by...
A friend once had a dog named Belle and I always called her "Belly", because I seem to love making nicknames that have that long "eeee" sound attached. So it's cute...for a dog. It is pretty silly too, yeah. I wouldn't say it's ugly though.
Ugly and silly. It might be okay as a joke, but not to be used seriously.
The Summer I Turned Pretty. I read the books years ago and thought it was weird and would make me self-conscious. I could understand the boys doing it as a way of teasing her, but I don’t understand why the adults use it.
Super ugly :( it might be cute if Belly didn’t have the meaning that it does. My dog’s name is Bellamy and people sometimes call him Belly, it’s cute ish on an animal but not a person.
I imagine that would be an unpleasant nickname for a girl or woman to have because it sounds like they have a huge stomach and are synonymous with that.
Cheap and nasty.
I like Bell as a nickname but Belly does not work in English. However, I do like the name Beli in its own right because it's not in English usage where it would seem kind of childish.
It's different though. That's for sure. Her parents must not like Izzy which I guess is understandable.
It's different though. That's for sure. Her parents must not like Izzy which I guess is understandable.
I don't like Isabel/le much in the first place, and Belly is a terrible nn. Like a fat kid or someone who is always burping and passing gas.