[Games] Collaborative namebank game- round 3
Round 1: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5373616
Round 2: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5374308
Round 3:
If your last baby's name started with a vowel, you have a daughter
If your last baby's name started with a consonant, you have a son
Amalthea Bianca Calista Camilla Clelia Cosette Darcy Elanor Gulisima Kalena Kiana Kit Janet Laila Luna Marian Rosemary Rosie
Albin Atticus Charles Darcy Edgar Edouard Gilbert Henry Jackson Jaspis Kit Mitchell Sebastian Severin Tamlin Theophilus Wystan
For the next round: List 2 girls names inspired by this photo:
Round 2: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5374308
Round 3:
If your last baby's name started with a vowel, you have a daughter
If your last baby's name started with a consonant, you have a son
Amalthea Bianca Calista Camilla Clelia Cosette Darcy Elanor Gulisima Kalena Kiana Kit Janet Laila Luna Marian Rosemary Rosie
Albin Atticus Charles Darcy Edgar Edouard Gilbert Henry Jackson Jaspis Kit Mitchell Sebastian Severin Tamlin Theophilus Wystan
For the next round: List 2 girls names inspired by this photo:

DH: Alistair Raven Thorn
DW: Lyra Orinthia Gale
DD/DS: Gaia Helen / Sylvan Perseus
DS: Wystan Charles
DW: Lyra Orinthia Gale
DD/DS: Gaia Helen / Sylvan Perseus
DS: Wystan Charles
SO1: Columba Thaddeus "Colum" Larkin
SO2: Louise Orinthia "Lou" Martin
DS: Sylvan Odysseus
DS: Jaspis Edouard
SO2: Louise Orinthia "Lou" Martin
DS: Sylvan Odysseus
DS: Jaspis Edouard
SO1: Callum Thorn Avery
SO2: Louise Bridget Kestrel Avery
DD1: Helen Callisto Avery
DS1: Charles Albin Avery
SO2: Louise Bridget Kestrel Avery
DD1: Helen Callisto Avery
DS1: Charles Albin Avery
DW: Wren Louise (Corbin) Thorn
DS: Larkin Alistair Thorn
DD: Maia Artemis Thorn
DS: Tamlin Gilbert Thorn
Maddie Aileen
DS: Larkin Alistair Thorn
DD: Maia Artemis Thorn
DS: Tamlin Gilbert Thorn
Maddie Aileen
Callum Alistair "Cal" ❤️ Skyler Winona
Callisto Athena "Callie" & Evander Troy
Amalthea Darcy "Teddie"
[Cal & Skyler || Callie & Evander, Teddie]
- Everest, Kirsten
SO1: Winona Gale Thorn
SO2: Robin Lyle Arnold
DS: Perseus Evander Arnold
DD: Laila Amalthea Arnold
Denali, Tansy
SO2: Robin Lyle Arnold
DS: Perseus Evander Arnold
DD: Laila Amalthea Arnold
Denali, Tansy
SO1: Zephyr Corbin Lyle
SO2: Ravenna Skye Arnold
DS1: Sylvan Odysseus Lyle
DS2: Henry Wystan Lyle
Neves & Emerald
SO2: Ravenna Skye Arnold
DS1: Sylvan Odysseus Lyle
DS2: Henry Wystan Lyle
Neves & Emerald
This message was edited 8/12/2022, 3:40 AM
DH: Thaddeus Lyle Hubert
DW: Wren Alouette (Arnold) Hubert
DS/DD: Julius Orion Hubert & Gaia Ariadne Hubert
DS: Darcy Sebastian Hubert
Liv, Greta
DW: Wren Alouette (Arnold) Hubert
DS/DD: Julius Orion Hubert & Gaia Ariadne Hubert
DS: Darcy Sebastian Hubert
Liv, Greta
DH: Lyle Alistair Kestrel-Thorn
DH: Zephyr Corbin Kestrel-Thorn
DS: Chrysothemis Orion "Chrys" Kestrel-Thorn
DS: Edgar Atticus Kestrel-Thorn
Lyle and Zephyr with Chrys and Edgar
Helen and Kristy
DH: Zephyr Corbin Kestrel-Thorn
DS: Chrysothemis Orion "Chrys" Kestrel-Thorn
DS: Edgar Atticus Kestrel-Thorn
Lyle and Zephyr with Chrys and Edgar
Helen and Kristy
This message was edited 8/11/2022, 8:41 PM
DW: Martin Thorn Avery
DH: Orinthia Louise Dee
DS/DD: Philip Ulysses & Venetia Helen Avery
DS: Wystan Theophilus Avery
Artemisia, Edelweiss
DH: Orinthia Louise Dee
DS/DD: Philip Ulysses & Venetia Helen Avery
DS: Wystan Theophilus Avery
Artemisia, Edelweiss
DH: Thaddeus Callum Avery
DW: Aderyn Zipporah {Thorn} Avery
DS: Evander Philip Avery
DD: Cosette Marian Avery
Briar, Jacey
DW: Aderyn Zipporah {Thorn} Avery
DS: Evander Philip Avery
DD: Cosette Marian Avery
Briar, Jacey