[Opinions] Myrna
WDYT about this name. Give some opinions. :)
I love it, it's definitely granny chic. Cozy and kinda grumpy, a faded beauty
I like it.
I think it's dainty and lovely and a little mournful, which I like. I of course think of Myrna Loy.
I love Myrna! I've lately become infatuated with similar feminine names with "yr" and "ur" such as Thyra, Urda and Ursula: I know that some people find them ugly, but I find them beautifully rough. On the other hand, I think Myrna is the softest and the gentlest of the bunch. Here in Finland, Myrna is most associated with an old tableware series with the same name, produced by a ceramics company Arabia. When I think of Myrna, it reminds me of these golden flowers on Myrna cups: