H [50] Peregrine Simon St Clair [Uilos]
W [50] Minerva Jane Watson [RowenaRavenclaw]
S1 [24] Edwin Basil Antilochus St Clair [MasonThursday]
- W [24] Arabella Maude Hastings [Kaesy]
-- S1 [5] Tristan Aloysius Castor St Clair [estel]
-- D1 [0]
Colette Lysistrata Christina St Clair
D1 & S2 [18] Beatrice Mercy Ourania St Clair [Darkbone] & Clement Hyacinth Arcturus St Clair [molly]
D2 [14] Artemisia Gwendolyn Evanthe St Clair [JuliaF]
"Do you not find it happens very often, that you are as gay as Garrick at dinner and then by supper-time you wonder why God made the world?"This message was edited 5/18/2022, 7:30 AM