[Games] Re: CAF Generation
in reply to a message by Patience2010
H: [DEC] Otter Adam Cudworth I
W: [89] Lucy Ella [Craddock] Cudworth
S1: [62] Otter Adam Cudworth II
S2: [58] Railey James Cudworth
S3: [57] Tip Mackenzie Cudworth
Otter I and Lucy with Otter II, Railey, and Tip
S1: [62] Otter Adam Cudworth II
W: [62] Clara Evya [Emerson] Cudworth
S: [34] Otter Adam Cudworth III
-W: [40] Emmy Raihan [Preston] Cudworth
S: [32] Tippy Jacob Cudworth
-W: [29] Gwen Adrielle [Beardsley] Cudworth
-S: [3] Bailey Sebastian Cudworth
S: [28] Hunter Declyn Cudworth
-W: [26] Jovie Laya [Merriman] Cudworth
-D: [1] Gracie Johanna Cudworth
-S: [exp] Eastyn Levi Cudworth
S: [26] Tannor Darian Cudworth
-W: [25] Leah Rosalyn [Booth] Cudworth
-D: [exp] Clara Evya Cudworth
S: [24] Noah Claude Cudworth
D: [22] Eden Narissa [Cudworth] Symonds
-H: [32] Aedem Xavier Symonds
-H'sS: [4] Kelly Rane Symonds
-H'sD: [2] Emerson Michaela Symonds
-S: [exp] Ivi Tobias Symonds
Otter II and Clara with Otter III, Tippy, Hunter, Tannor, Noah, and Eden
- Otter III and Emmy
- Tippy and Gwen with Bailey
- Hunter and Jovie with Gracie and Eastyn
- Tannor and Leah with Clara
- Eden and Aedem with Kelly, Emerson, and Ivi
S2: [58] Railey James Cudworth
W: [55] Livie Lorelei [Thorley] Cudworth
D: [34] Lola Penelope [Cudworth] Albright
-H: [41] Joshua Fenris Albright
S: [32] River Alister Cudworth
-W: [30] Glory Juliette [Thompson] Cudworth
-D: [5] Lilia Malou Cudworth
-D: [3] Ivy Adora Cudworth
-S: [1] Peri Aspen Cudworth
S: [30] Sidney Travis Cudworth
-W: [28] Sylvie Harlow [Burgess] Cudworth
-D: [2] Jasmin Adrie Cudworth
-S: [exp] Kit Roan Cudworth
S: [24] Jasper Rory Cudworth
D: [22] Ridley Bellamy [Cudworth] Moss
-H: [27] Oliver Cillian Moss
-S: [exp] Railey James Moss
S: [19] Declan Syrus Cudworth
S: [17] Torin Harlon Cudworth
S: [14] Liam Edward Cudworth
Railey and Livie with Lola, River, Sidney, Jasper, Ridley, Declan, Torin, and Liam
- Lola and Joshua
- River and Glory with Lilia, Ivy, and Peri
- Sidney and Sylvie with Jasmin and Kit
- Ridley and Oliver with Railey
S3: [57] Tip Mackenzie Cudworth
exW: [58] Daphne October Pope
S: [37] Jonah Fox Cudworth
-W: [37] Farah Ariam [Briggs] Cudworth
-S: [9] Jonah Fox Cudworth Jr.
-S: [6] Simon Conor Cudworth
-D: [3] Evelyn Cecilia Cudworth
-D: [2] Norrie Katherine Cudworth
-S: [exp] Ewan Taran Cudworth
S: [32] Owen Atlas Cudworth
-W: [26] Selena Colleen [Treat] Cudworth
S: [31] Damon Leif Cudworth
W: [55] Adrienne Alexa [Nye] Cudworth
D: [29] Cheri Tallulah [Cudworth] Coley
-H: [31] Otto Anders Coley
Tip and Daphne with Jonah, Owen, and Damon
- Jonah and Farah with Jonah Jr., Simon, Evelyn, Norrie, and Ewan
- Owen and Selena
Tip and Adrienne with Cheri
- Cheri and Otto
W: [89] Lucy Ella [Craddock] Cudworth
S1: [62] Otter Adam Cudworth II
S2: [58] Railey James Cudworth
S3: [57] Tip Mackenzie Cudworth
Otter I and Lucy with Otter II, Railey, and Tip
S1: [62] Otter Adam Cudworth II
W: [62] Clara Evya [Emerson] Cudworth
S: [34] Otter Adam Cudworth III
-W: [40] Emmy Raihan [Preston] Cudworth
S: [32] Tippy Jacob Cudworth
-W: [29] Gwen Adrielle [Beardsley] Cudworth
-S: [3] Bailey Sebastian Cudworth
S: [28] Hunter Declyn Cudworth
-W: [26] Jovie Laya [Merriman] Cudworth
-D: [1] Gracie Johanna Cudworth
-S: [exp] Eastyn Levi Cudworth
S: [26] Tannor Darian Cudworth
-W: [25] Leah Rosalyn [Booth] Cudworth
-D: [exp] Clara Evya Cudworth
S: [24] Noah Claude Cudworth
D: [22] Eden Narissa [Cudworth] Symonds
-H: [32] Aedem Xavier Symonds
-H'sS: [4] Kelly Rane Symonds
-H'sD: [2] Emerson Michaela Symonds
-S: [exp] Ivi Tobias Symonds
Otter II and Clara with Otter III, Tippy, Hunter, Tannor, Noah, and Eden
- Otter III and Emmy
- Tippy and Gwen with Bailey
- Hunter and Jovie with Gracie and Eastyn
- Tannor and Leah with Clara
- Eden and Aedem with Kelly, Emerson, and Ivi
S2: [58] Railey James Cudworth
W: [55] Livie Lorelei [Thorley] Cudworth
D: [34] Lola Penelope [Cudworth] Albright
-H: [41] Joshua Fenris Albright
S: [32] River Alister Cudworth
-W: [30] Glory Juliette [Thompson] Cudworth
-D: [5] Lilia Malou Cudworth
-D: [3] Ivy Adora Cudworth
-S: [1] Peri Aspen Cudworth
S: [30] Sidney Travis Cudworth
-W: [28] Sylvie Harlow [Burgess] Cudworth
-D: [2] Jasmin Adrie Cudworth
-S: [exp] Kit Roan Cudworth
S: [24] Jasper Rory Cudworth
D: [22] Ridley Bellamy [Cudworth] Moss
-H: [27] Oliver Cillian Moss
-S: [exp] Railey James Moss
S: [19] Declan Syrus Cudworth
S: [17] Torin Harlon Cudworth
S: [14] Liam Edward Cudworth
Railey and Livie with Lola, River, Sidney, Jasper, Ridley, Declan, Torin, and Liam
- Lola and Joshua
- River and Glory with Lilia, Ivy, and Peri
- Sidney and Sylvie with Jasmin and Kit
- Ridley and Oliver with Railey
S3: [57] Tip Mackenzie Cudworth
exW: [58] Daphne October Pope
S: [37] Jonah Fox Cudworth
-W: [37] Farah Ariam [Briggs] Cudworth
-S: [9] Jonah Fox Cudworth Jr.
-S: [6] Simon Conor Cudworth
-D: [3] Evelyn Cecilia Cudworth
-D: [2] Norrie Katherine Cudworth
-S: [exp] Ewan Taran Cudworth
S: [32] Owen Atlas Cudworth
-W: [26] Selena Colleen [Treat] Cudworth
S: [31] Damon Leif Cudworth
W: [55] Adrienne Alexa [Nye] Cudworth
D: [29] Cheri Tallulah [Cudworth] Coley
-H: [31] Otto Anders Coley
Tip and Daphne with Jonah, Owen, and Damon
- Jonah and Farah with Jonah Jr., Simon, Evelyn, Norrie, and Ewan
- Owen and Selena
Tip and Adrienne with Cheri
- Cheri and Otto