[Opinions] Re: Ariel
in reply to a message by Pink Princess
1. Wdyt of this name? I adore it!
2. Do you prefer it for a girl or a boy? I prefer Ariel on a boy, and Arielle on a girl
3. How do you pronounce it? Ariel = AIR-ee-el, Arielle - Aur-ee-el

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
[He unwraps his dress robes and holds them up]
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there
2. Do you prefer it for a girl or a boy? I prefer Ariel on a boy, and Arielle on a girl
3. How do you pronounce it? Ariel = AIR-ee-el, Arielle - Aur-ee-el

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
[He unwraps his dress robes and holds them up]
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there