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[Opinions] Re: Dream
Gosh, I don't like the sound or look. I don't mind the image though. And when I think about it for more than 1 second my mind goes to that Everly brothers song and I forget my objections or even what I was thinking about. Dream dream dreeeeeeeeeeamEdit: I think "Dreams" would be a VERY ... funky...? cool in a novel kind of way name. I'm thinking relative to random pluralizations like:Brooks (instead of one brook, TWO)
Parks (instead of one park, TWO)
Chambers (not just one chamber, but TWO, yes I've seen this as a name)
Wouldn't Dreams be an interesting answer to that? Dreams McDermott? Dreams Cunningham? Dreams Jefferson? I dig it

This message was edited 12/30/2021, 1:20 PM

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