[Games] Collaborative Namebank CAF (7) - namebank closed
Thank you again for submitting names for this round!
Previous rounds:
6 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5321419
5 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5320856
4 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5320260
3 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5319913
2 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5319528
1 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5319115
Let's name the firstborn daughter's family! Her SO's and children's names come from the namebanks. Roll a 6-sided die (eg. https://rollthedice.online/en/cdice/6-sided-dice) for the number of children, and then again for their genders. Odd=boy, even=girl.
I forgot that we need a new surname to the family, so you can choose your own or choose from round 2: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5319528
Masculine namebank
Samuel, Henry, Owen, Tyler, Kay, Kristof, Luca, Jack, Iver, Andrew, Severin, Thomas, Aleksei, Caspar, Magnus, Sindri, Huckleberry, Hawthorn, Sixten, Aspen, Nicholas, Henrik, Björn, Wolf, Hendrix, Blaine, Noel, Alban, Fionn, Wyn, Bear, Spruce, Lynx, North, Alexander, Ivan, Elias, Maksim, Viggo, Dashiell, Everest, Nicolas, Puck, Alexei, Kai, Thorin, Lewis, Morrow, Elvis, Lucas, Gilbert, Brian, Benjamin, Elijah, Rowan, Winter, Collin, Douglas, Marcus, Edmund, Drake, Asher, Henry, Ethan
Feminine namebank
Agatha, Isobel, Wren, Cassandra, Titania, Maeve, Aurora, Faye, Luna, Phaedra, Illusia, Azzurra, Amaryllis, Ceres, Melusine, Sapphira, Penthesilea, Erato, Melpomene, Elowen, Maisie, Elodie, Harper, Arden, Glenys, Lilias, Maud, Stella, Selene, Crystal, Pearl, Stellamaris, Una, Niamh or Neve, Eira, Athena, Daphne, Ione, Flora, Lyra, Sonnet, Aurelia, Nova, Alcina, Nimue, Freya, Juniper, Leona, Faith, Blythe, Nayeli, Lia Rowena, Idonea, Nessa, Evangeline, Estelle, Leontine, Fae, Melody, Odelle, Mavis, Cambria, Mila, Sabina, Alessandra, Enya, Saoirse, Juliette, Misty
For the next round, list 2 last names that feel like this:

4 boy names that feel like this:

and 4 girl names that feel like this:

Previous rounds:
6 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5321419
5 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5320856
4 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5320260
3 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5319913
2 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5319528
1 - https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5319115
Let's name the firstborn daughter's family! Her SO's and children's names come from the namebanks. Roll a 6-sided die (eg. https://rollthedice.online/en/cdice/6-sided-dice) for the number of children, and then again for their genders. Odd=boy, even=girl.
I forgot that we need a new surname to the family, so you can choose your own or choose from round 2: https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5319528
Masculine namebank
Samuel, Henry, Owen, Tyler, Kay, Kristof, Luca, Jack, Iver, Andrew, Severin, Thomas, Aleksei, Caspar, Magnus, Sindri, Huckleberry, Hawthorn, Sixten, Aspen, Nicholas, Henrik, Björn, Wolf, Hendrix, Blaine, Noel, Alban, Fionn, Wyn, Bear, Spruce, Lynx, North, Alexander, Ivan, Elias, Maksim, Viggo, Dashiell, Everest, Nicolas, Puck, Alexei, Kai, Thorin, Lewis, Morrow, Elvis, Lucas, Gilbert, Brian, Benjamin, Elijah, Rowan, Winter, Collin, Douglas, Marcus, Edmund, Drake, Asher, Henry, Ethan
Feminine namebank
Agatha, Isobel, Wren, Cassandra, Titania, Maeve, Aurora, Faye, Luna, Phaedra, Illusia, Azzurra, Amaryllis, Ceres, Melusine, Sapphira, Penthesilea, Erato, Melpomene, Elowen, Maisie, Elodie, Harper, Arden, Glenys, Lilias, Maud, Stella, Selene, Crystal, Pearl, Stellamaris, Una, Niamh or Neve, Eira, Athena, Daphne, Ione, Flora, Lyra, Sonnet, Aurelia, Nova, Alcina, Nimue, Freya, Juniper, Leona, Faith, Blythe, Nayeli, Lia Rowena, Idonea, Nessa, Evangeline, Estelle, Leontine, Fae, Melody, Odelle, Mavis, Cambria, Mila, Sabina, Alessandra, Enya, Saoirse, Juliette, Misty
For the next round, list 2 last names that feel like this:

4 boy names that feel like this:
and 4 girl names that feel like this:

This message was edited 12/10/2021, 11:52 AM
Applegate, Caroline
Todd, Stefan, Sheldon, Sebastian
Agustina, Anita, Benita, Carina
Applegate, Caroline
Todd, Stefan, Sheldon, Sebastian
Agustina, Anita, Benita, Carina
DW: Tabitha Morgan 'Tabby' Lockwood nee Alcott
DH: Nathaniel Ambrose 'Nathan' Lockwood
DS1: Wyatt Maxwell Lockwood
DS2/DS3: Kai Nolan Lockwood and Neo Austin Lockwood
DD2: Zélie Caroline Lockwood
DD3: Maëlle Viviana Lockwood
DD1: Sky Marceline Vernier
DW: Leontine Estelle Vernier
DD1: Lyra Maeve Vernier
DS1: Alban Nicholas Vernier
DD2: Enya Nimue Vernier
DS2: Asher Björn Vernier
DH: Nathaniel Ambrose 'Nathan' Lockwood
DS1: Wyatt Maxwell Lockwood
DS2/DS3: Kai Nolan Lockwood and Neo Austin Lockwood
DD2: Zélie Caroline Lockwood
DD3: Maëlle Viviana Lockwood
DD1: Sky Marceline Vernier
DW: Leontine Estelle Vernier
DD1: Lyra Maeve Vernier
DS1: Alban Nicholas Vernier
DD2: Enya Nimue Vernier
DS2: Asher Björn Vernier
DH: Otto Finnegan Merryweather
DW: Emmaline Lenore (Alcott) Merryweather
DD: Nina Elowen (Merryweather) Magnusson
-DH: Sixten Fionn Magnusson
-DD: Aurelia Sonnet Magnusson
-DD: Freya Juniper Magnusson
DS: Elliott Brooks Merryweather
DD/DD: Thea Linden Merryweather & India Ellery Merrywheather
DS: Orion Taliesin Merryweather
DS: Leon Jupiter Merryweather
DW: Emmaline Lenore (Alcott) Merryweather
DD: Nina Elowen (Merryweather) Magnusson
-DH: Sixten Fionn Magnusson
-DD: Aurelia Sonnet Magnusson
-DD: Freya Juniper Magnusson
DS: Elliott Brooks Merryweather
DD/DD: Thea Linden Merryweather & India Ellery Merrywheather
DS: Orion Taliesin Merryweather
DS: Leon Jupiter Merryweather
W: Myrna Lenore née Lennox
H: Wesley Gwydion Spofford
D1: Ella Sybella Elowen Spofford
S1: Cooper Westley Maxwell Spofford
D2/S2: Poppy Amaya Miriam / Robin Finley Frederick Spofford
D3: Maisy Thelma Anthea Spofford
S3: Soren Percy Jupiter Spofford
D1: Ella Sybella Elowen née Spofford
H: Elias Björn Almroos
S: Magnus Henrik Almroos
D: Freya Elowen Almroos
H: Wesley Gwydion Spofford
D1: Ella Sybella Elowen Spofford
S1: Cooper Westley Maxwell Spofford
D2/S2: Poppy Amaya Miriam / Robin Finley Frederick Spofford
D3: Maisy Thelma Anthea Spofford
S3: Soren Percy Jupiter Spofford
D1: Ella Sybella Elowen née Spofford
H: Elias Björn Almroos
S: Magnus Henrik Almroos
D: Freya Elowen Almroos
H: Lysander Ambrose Blackwood
W: Rosemary Helena Marlow
Lysander & Rosemary || Clementine, Gabriel, Eve, Frederick, Dominic, and Caroline
D1: Clementine Ophelia Blackwood
S1: Gabriel Samuel Blackwood
D2: Eve Zoë Blackwood
S2: Frederick Andrew Blackwood
S3: Dominic Remus Blackwood
D3: Caroline Thelma Blackwood
∆ ∆ ∆
D1: Clementine Ophelia Blackwood
H: Alexander Magnus Porter
Clémentine & Alexander || Evangeline, Aurelia, Isobel, Flora, Edmund, and Thomas
D: Evangeline Stella Porter
D: Aurelia Lyra Porter
D: Isobel Niamh Porter
D: Flora Nimue Porter
S: Edmund Rowan Porter
S: Thomas Jack Porter
W: Rosemary Helena Marlow
Lysander & Rosemary || Clementine, Gabriel, Eve, Frederick, Dominic, and Caroline
D1: Clementine Ophelia Blackwood
S1: Gabriel Samuel Blackwood
D2: Eve Zoë Blackwood
S2: Frederick Andrew Blackwood
S3: Dominic Remus Blackwood
D3: Caroline Thelma Blackwood
∆ ∆ ∆
D1: Clementine Ophelia Blackwood
H: Alexander Magnus Porter
Clémentine & Alexander || Evangeline, Aurelia, Isobel, Flora, Edmund, and Thomas
D: Evangeline Stella Porter
D: Aurelia Lyra Porter
D: Isobel Niamh Porter
D: Flora Nimue Porter
S: Edmund Rowan Porter
S: Thomas Jack Porter
W: Maeve Adelaide [Bronte] Spofford
H: Odin Wesley Spofford
D: Maisie Safiya
S: Maxwell Henry
D/S: Hugo Julien & Finn Wesley
D/D: Georgia Calista & Caroline Allegra
Maeve & Odin Spofford; Maisie, Maxwell, Hugo, Finn, Georgia, & Caroline
W: Maisie Safiya [Spofford] Samsa
H: Kristof Nicolas Samsa
D: Freya Aurora
D: Luna Selene
S: Owen Edmund
S: Henry Luca
Maisie & Kristof Samsa: Freya, Luna, Owen, & Henry
Heaton, Haven
Alec, Jason, Michael, Evan
Bibiana, Felicita, Iliana, Xiomara
H: Odin Wesley Spofford
D: Maisie Safiya
S: Maxwell Henry
D/S: Hugo Julien & Finn Wesley
D/D: Georgia Calista & Caroline Allegra
Maeve & Odin Spofford; Maisie, Maxwell, Hugo, Finn, Georgia, & Caroline
W: Maisie Safiya [Spofford] Samsa
H: Kristof Nicolas Samsa
D: Freya Aurora
D: Luna Selene
S: Owen Edmund
S: Henry Luca
Maisie & Kristof Samsa: Freya, Luna, Owen, & Henry
Heaton, Haven
Alec, Jason, Michael, Evan
Bibiana, Felicita, Iliana, Xiomara
Really enjoying this one. Super creative and lovely names! Thanks for hosting.
DH: Ezra Finnegan Lockwood
DW: Tanith Nimah (Merryweather) Lockwood
DD1: Elowen Rosalie Lockwood
DS1: Gabriel Ennis Lockwood
DD2/DD3: Maya Savannah Lockwood / India Poppy Lockwood
DS2: Taliesin Soren Lockwood
DS3: Phoenix River Lockwood
Ezra & Tanith Lockwood
Children: Elowen, Gabriel, Maya, India, Taliesin & Phoenix
Grandchildren: Wren, Maeve, Rowan, Fionn & Thorin
DD1: Elowen Rosalie Lockwood
DW: Fae Nimue Wolfhart
DD: Wren Erato Lockwood-Wolfhart
DD: Maeve Luna Lockwood-Wolfhart
DS: Rowan Morrow Lockwood-Wolfhart
DS/DS: Fionn Winter Lockwood-Wolfhart / Thorin Asher Lockwood-Wolfhart
Elowen & Fae Lockwood-Wolfhart, and: Wren, Maeve, Rowan, Fionn & Thorin
Picture 1: Hazel, Autumn
Picture 2: Cyrus, Everest, Leon, Magnus
Picture 3: Fiammetta, Solana, Wilda, Lakshmi
DH: Ezra Finnegan Lockwood
DW: Tanith Nimah (Merryweather) Lockwood
DD1: Elowen Rosalie Lockwood
DS1: Gabriel Ennis Lockwood
DD2/DD3: Maya Savannah Lockwood / India Poppy Lockwood
DS2: Taliesin Soren Lockwood
DS3: Phoenix River Lockwood
Ezra & Tanith Lockwood
Children: Elowen, Gabriel, Maya, India, Taliesin & Phoenix
Grandchildren: Wren, Maeve, Rowan, Fionn & Thorin
DD1: Elowen Rosalie Lockwood
DW: Fae Nimue Wolfhart
DD: Wren Erato Lockwood-Wolfhart
DD: Maeve Luna Lockwood-Wolfhart
DS: Rowan Morrow Lockwood-Wolfhart
DS/DS: Fionn Winter Lockwood-Wolfhart / Thorin Asher Lockwood-Wolfhart
Elowen & Fae Lockwood-Wolfhart, and: Wren, Maeve, Rowan, Fionn & Thorin
Picture 1: Hazel, Autumn
Picture 2: Cyrus, Everest, Leon, Magnus
Picture 3: Fiammetta, Solana, Wilda, Lakshmi
This message was edited 12/9/2021, 7:07 AM
DW: Zelda Adelaide (Thornhill) Wyckham
DH: Jack Ambrose Wyckham
DD: Aria Penelope Wyckham-Marlow
-DH: Rowan Dashiell Marlow
-DS: Henry Elias Marlow
-DS: Samuel Drake Marlow "Sam"
DS: Elliot Colson Wyckham
DD/DS: Maya Sienna Wyckham / Eli Wilder Wyckham
DD: Alba Aurelia Wyckham
DS: Leo Dominic Wyckham
Auburn Oaks
Duncan Peter Uriah Carlisle
Maria Sonora Gabriella Lucy
DH: Jack Ambrose Wyckham
DD: Aria Penelope Wyckham-Marlow
-DH: Rowan Dashiell Marlow
-DS: Henry Elias Marlow
-DS: Samuel Drake Marlow "Sam"
DS: Elliot Colson Wyckham
DD/DS: Maya Sienna Wyckham / Eli Wilder Wyckham
DD: Alba Aurelia Wyckham
DS: Leo Dominic Wyckham
Auburn Oaks
Duncan Peter Uriah Carlisle
Maria Sonora Gabriella Lucy
DH: Harry William Hempstock
DW: Sylvia Estelle [Black] Hempstock
DD: Maisie Ophelia Willoughby [Hempstock]
-DH: Fionn Alexander Willoughby
--DD: Juniper Odelle Willoughby
DS: Westley Josiah Hempstock
DS/DD: Finley Nolan Hempstock / Poppy Sienna Hempstock
DS/DD: Percy Dominic Hempstock / Sunny Rosanna Hempstock
Fairburn, O'Donnell
Axel, Lucius, Raiden, Tariel
Isidora, Paulina, Araceli, Xiomara
DW: Sylvia Estelle [Black] Hempstock
DD: Maisie Ophelia Willoughby [Hempstock]
-DH: Fionn Alexander Willoughby
--DD: Juniper Odelle Willoughby
DS: Westley Josiah Hempstock
DS/DD: Finley Nolan Hempstock / Poppy Sienna Hempstock
DS/DD: Percy Dominic Hempstock / Sunny Rosanna Hempstock
Fairburn, O'Donnell
Axel, Lucius, Raiden, Tariel
Isidora, Paulina, Araceli, Xiomara
DW: Rosemary Hestia (Fitzpatrick) Wyckham
DH: Rupert Athelstan Wyckham
DD: Marceline Clarity (Wyckham) Black
DH: Rowan Douglas Black
-DD: Juliette Alessandra Black
-DS: Caspar Edmund Black
-DD: Leona Evangeline Black
DS: Westley Josiah Wyckham
DS/DD: Robin Eli Wyckham/Linden Amalia Wyckham
DS: Leo Tiberius Wyckham
DD: Petra Anthea Wyckham
Hawkins McCrory
Kellan Mark Lance Spencer
Joy Carina Mirabella Rosanna
DH: Rupert Athelstan Wyckham
DD: Marceline Clarity (Wyckham) Black
DH: Rowan Douglas Black
-DD: Juliette Alessandra Black
-DS: Caspar Edmund Black
-DD: Leona Evangeline Black
DS: Westley Josiah Wyckham
DS/DD: Robin Eli Wyckham/Linden Amalia Wyckham
DS: Leo Tiberius Wyckham
DD: Petra Anthea Wyckham
Hawkins McCrory
Kellan Mark Lance Spencer
Joy Carina Mirabella Rosanna
jDW| Melisande Lucrezia Tanith Wolfhart {Nightingale}
DH| Morgan Alastair Wolfhart
DD| Elowen Sybella Marceline Blackwood {Wolfhart}
-DH| Magnus Edmund Blackwood
--DS| Caspar Sindri Blackwood
--DS| Nicholas Wolf Blackwood
--DD| Nimue Lyra Blackwood
--DS| Aleksei Fionn Blackwood
--DD| Saoirse Melusine Blackwood
--DD| Rowena Ceres Blackwood
DS| Samuel Jesse Conor Wolfhart
DD/DS| Zénobie Arabella Florence Wolfhart / Adam Robin Leo Wolfhart
DS| Tycho Xerxes River Wolfhart
DD| Fiammetta Caroline Allegra Wolfhart
Cartwright, Hallows
Ari, Eli, Sander, Zev
Carmen, Electra, Thalia, Zoraida
DH| Morgan Alastair Wolfhart
DD| Elowen Sybella Marceline Blackwood {Wolfhart}
-DH| Magnus Edmund Blackwood
--DS| Caspar Sindri Blackwood
--DS| Nicholas Wolf Blackwood
--DD| Nimue Lyra Blackwood
--DS| Aleksei Fionn Blackwood
--DD| Saoirse Melusine Blackwood
--DD| Rowena Ceres Blackwood
DS| Samuel Jesse Conor Wolfhart
DD/DS| Zénobie Arabella Florence Wolfhart / Adam Robin Leo Wolfhart
DS| Tycho Xerxes River Wolfhart
DD| Fiammetta Caroline Allegra Wolfhart
Cartwright, Hallows
Ari, Eli, Sander, Zev
Carmen, Electra, Thalia, Zoraida
This message was edited 12/8/2021, 2:34 PM
DH: Samuel Ezra Hawthorne
DW: Sylvia Phaedra (Nightfall) Hawthorne
DD1: Sage Corinthia (Hawthorne) Lockwood
-DH: Thomas Alexander Lockwood
--DD1: Stella Evangeline Lockwood
--DD2: Lyra Juniper Lockwood
--DS1: Asher Rowan Lockwood
DS1: Gabriel Westley Hawthorne
DD2: Poppy Fairuza Hawthorne
DS2: Julien Frederick Hawthorne
DS3: Soren Tiberius Hawthorne
DD3: Alba Fiammetta Hawthorne
Samuel & Sylvia with Sage, Gabriel, Poppy, Julien, Soren and Alba
Sage & Thomas with Stella, Lyra and Asher
Archer & Crane
Dexter, Xavier, Ren & Blue
Esperanza, Rosa, Elena & Marisol
DW: Sylvia Phaedra (Nightfall) Hawthorne
DD1: Sage Corinthia (Hawthorne) Lockwood
-DH: Thomas Alexander Lockwood
--DD1: Stella Evangeline Lockwood
--DD2: Lyra Juniper Lockwood
--DS1: Asher Rowan Lockwood
DS1: Gabriel Westley Hawthorne
DD2: Poppy Fairuza Hawthorne
DS2: Julien Frederick Hawthorne
DS3: Soren Tiberius Hawthorne
DD3: Alba Fiammetta Hawthorne
Samuel & Sylvia with Sage, Gabriel, Poppy, Julien, Soren and Alba
Sage & Thomas with Stella, Lyra and Asher
Archer & Crane
Dexter, Xavier, Ren & Blue
Esperanza, Rosa, Elena & Marisol
DH: Wesley Duncan Ellis
DW: Everett Beatrix {Blackwell} Ellis
DD: Maisie Adelaide {Ellis} Willoughby
— DH: Douglas Benjamin Willoughby
— DS: Rowan Luca Willoughby
— DD: Harper Maeve Willoughby
— DS: Asher Hawthorn Willoughby
— DD: Leona Blythe Willoughby
DS: Wyatt Camden Ellis
DS: Finley Nolan Ellis [twin]
DD: Thea Elisabeth Ellis [twin]
DD: Selah Caroline Ellis
DS: Conan Leo Ellis
LN: Redmond, Brooks
M: Jackson, Wyatt, Cooper, Julian
F: Esmeralda, Emilia, Guadalupe, Cassia
DW: Everett Beatrix {Blackwell} Ellis
DD: Maisie Adelaide {Ellis} Willoughby
— DH: Douglas Benjamin Willoughby
— DS: Rowan Luca Willoughby
— DD: Harper Maeve Willoughby
— DS: Asher Hawthorn Willoughby
— DD: Leona Blythe Willoughby
DS: Wyatt Camden Ellis
DS: Finley Nolan Ellis [twin]
DD: Thea Elisabeth Ellis [twin]
DD: Selah Caroline Ellis
DS: Conan Leo Ellis
LN: Redmond, Brooks
M: Jackson, Wyatt, Cooper, Julian
F: Esmeralda, Emilia, Guadalupe, Cassia
Jack Wesley ❤️ Even Estelle
Sage Sky
Colson Jett
Wilder Soleil & Cassidy Summer
Hale Dominic
River Zen
[Jack & Even || Sage, Colson, Wilder & Cassidy, Hale, River]
Sage Sky ❤️ Ethan Andrew
Elias Ethan
Faith Alessandra
Evangeline Pearl
Caspar Alexander
Melody Blythe & Sonnet Isobel
Sage & Ethan || Elias, Faith, Evangeline, Caspar, Melody & Sonnet]
L: Grant, Morley-Hart
M: Mercer, James, Baxter, Bryant
F: Azalea, Elianna, Morticia, Ysanne
W: Wulfrun Mary Agatha Blackwood
H: Edric Beatus Athelstan Howe
D: Letitia Amalie Angelica Howe
-H: Severin Caspar Whitmore
--S: Sindri Hawthorn Whitmore
--D: Erato Azzurra Whitmore
--D: Nimue Sapphira Whitmore
S: Colson Maxwell Henry Howe
D/D: Amalthea Zella Miriam "Thea" Howe & Fairuza Florence Elisabeth "Zuza" Howe
S: Ptolemy Ajax Leon Howe
S: Xerxes Orion Tycho Howe
Maverick, Tyler, Joshua, Christopher
Rosalina, Pilar, Trinidad, Encarnacion
Underwood & Crowley
H: Edric Beatus Athelstan Howe
D: Letitia Amalie Angelica Howe
-H: Severin Caspar Whitmore
--S: Sindri Hawthorn Whitmore
--D: Erato Azzurra Whitmore
--D: Nimue Sapphira Whitmore
S: Colson Maxwell Henry Howe
D/D: Amalthea Zella Miriam "Thea" Howe & Fairuza Florence Elisabeth "Zuza" Howe
S: Ptolemy Ajax Leon Howe
S: Xerxes Orion Tycho Howe
Maverick, Tyler, Joshua, Christopher
Rosalina, Pilar, Trinidad, Encarnacion
Underwood & Crowley
This message was edited 12/8/2021, 12:09 PM
DH: Romulus Warrick Merryweather
DW: Fern Wulfrun Howe
DD: Zola Clementine Merryweather
DS: Ennis Maxwell Merryweather
DD/DS: Thea Florence & Rafe Leland Merryweather
DS: Soren Tiberius Merryweather
DD: Rita Maëlle Merryweather
DD1: Zola Clementine Merryweather
DH: Wyn Hawthorn Fernsby
DD: Isobel Ione Fernsby
DD: Glenys Odelle Fernsby
DD: Cambria Maud Fernsby
DS: Rowan Hawthorn Fernsby
DS: Collin Drake Fernsby
Barnes, Sheffield
Julius, Miles, Victor, Dominic
Maxima, Florinda, Gloria, Viva
DW: Fern Wulfrun Howe
DD: Zola Clementine Merryweather
DS: Ennis Maxwell Merryweather
DD/DS: Thea Florence & Rafe Leland Merryweather
DS: Soren Tiberius Merryweather
DD: Rita Maëlle Merryweather
DD1: Zola Clementine Merryweather
DH: Wyn Hawthorn Fernsby
DD: Isobel Ione Fernsby
DD: Glenys Odelle Fernsby
DD: Cambria Maud Fernsby
DS: Rowan Hawthorn Fernsby
DS: Collin Drake Fernsby
Barnes, Sheffield
Julius, Miles, Victor, Dominic
Maxima, Florinda, Gloria, Viva
SO: Ambrose Duncan Porter
SO: Willa Mary Lenore Black
DD: Letitia Clementine Wolfhart, née Porter-Black
- DW: Maisie Lilias Melusine Wolfhart
-- DS: Everest Lucas Wolfhart
-- DD/DD: Isobel Agatha Wolfhart & Juliette Rowena Wolfhart
-- ADS: Noel Maksim Wolfhart
-- ADS: Rowan Alexei Wolfhart
DS: Ennis Maxwell Porter-Black
DD/DS: Sabrina Ellery Porter-Black & Trevor Frederick Porter-Black
ADS: Maddox Ptolemy Porter-Black
ADD: Viviana Monet Porter-Black
Aubert, Walmsley
Tim, Luca, Zakaria, Kenzo
Paloma, Rosalina, Jacinta, Coral
SO: Willa Mary Lenore Black
DD: Letitia Clementine Wolfhart, née Porter-Black
- DW: Maisie Lilias Melusine Wolfhart
-- DS: Everest Lucas Wolfhart
-- DD/DD: Isobel Agatha Wolfhart & Juliette Rowena Wolfhart
-- ADS: Noel Maksim Wolfhart
-- ADS: Rowan Alexei Wolfhart
DS: Ennis Maxwell Porter-Black
DD/DS: Sabrina Ellery Porter-Black & Trevor Frederick Porter-Black
ADS: Maddox Ptolemy Porter-Black
ADD: Viviana Monet Porter-Black
Aubert, Walmsley
Tim, Luca, Zakaria, Kenzo
Paloma, Rosalina, Jacinta, Coral
DW: Lilith Minerva [Baudelaire] Granville
DH: Finnegan William Granville
DD: Ophelia Daisy
DS: Henry Maxwell
DD/DD: Florence Lila & Amalia Thea
DS/DS: Leo Dominic & Orion Hale
DW: Ophelia Daisy Granville
DW: Isobel Aurora Spofford
DS: Luca Kristof
DS/DD: Edmund Aspen & Elowen Luna
DD: Freya Athena
DD: Mila Rowena
Willoughby, Richardson
James, Christopher, Omar, Aamir
Martina, Sofia, Liliana, Maristela
DH: Finnegan William Granville
DD: Ophelia Daisy
DS: Henry Maxwell
DD/DD: Florence Lila & Amalia Thea
DS/DS: Leo Dominic & Orion Hale
DW: Ophelia Daisy Granville
DW: Isobel Aurora Spofford
DS: Luca Kristof
DS/DD: Edmund Aspen & Elowen Luna
DD: Freya Athena
DD: Mila Rowena
Willoughby, Richardson
James, Christopher, Omar, Aamir
Martina, Sofia, Liliana, Maristela
DH: Lysander Jack Hawthorne
DW: Maeve Beatrix Hawthorne (née Alcott)
DD1: Daisy Adelaide Spofford (née Hawthorne)
DS1: Elliot Henry Hawthorne
DD2/DS2: Sabrina Chloe & Wesley Adam Hawthorne
DS3: Dominic Remus Hawthorne
DD3: Caroline Allegra Hawthorne "Carrie"
~ Lysander & Meave Hawthorne; Daisy, Elliot, Sabrina & Wesley, Dominic, & Carrie Hawthorne ~
DW: Daisy Adelaide Spofford (née Hawthorne)
DH: Elias Rowan Spofford
DS1: Lewis Andrew Spofford
DD1: Rowena Blythe Spofford
DD2: Daphne Titania Spofford
DD3: Elodie Freya Spofford
~ Daisy & Elias Spofford; Lewis, Rowena, Daphne, & Elodie Spofford ~
Surnames: Hill, Birch
Boys: William, Richard, James, Michael
Girls: Marigold, Florence, Clementia, Josefina
DW: Maeve Beatrix Hawthorne (née Alcott)
DD1: Daisy Adelaide Spofford (née Hawthorne)
DS1: Elliot Henry Hawthorne
DD2/DS2: Sabrina Chloe & Wesley Adam Hawthorne
DS3: Dominic Remus Hawthorne
DD3: Caroline Allegra Hawthorne "Carrie"
~ Lysander & Meave Hawthorne; Daisy, Elliot, Sabrina & Wesley, Dominic, & Carrie Hawthorne ~
DW: Daisy Adelaide Spofford (née Hawthorne)
DH: Elias Rowan Spofford
DS1: Lewis Andrew Spofford
DD1: Rowena Blythe Spofford
DD2: Daphne Titania Spofford
DD3: Elodie Freya Spofford
~ Daisy & Elias Spofford; Lewis, Rowena, Daphne, & Elodie Spofford ~
Surnames: Hill, Birch
Boys: William, Richard, James, Michael
Girls: Marigold, Florence, Clementia, Josefina
DH: Warrick Duncan Baudelaire
DW: Estelle Lenore [Fairbank] Baudelaire
DD: Maisie Letitia Baudelaire
-SO: Benjamin Hawthorn Masson
--DS: Luca Blaine Masson
--DS: Edmund Wolf Masson
--DD: Evangeline Glenys Masson
--DD: Sabina Leona masson
DS: Jesse Ennis Baudelaire
DS/DS: Adam Wilder / Jackson Julien Baudelaire
DD/DD: Livia Monet / Georgia Esmeralda Baudelaire
Surnames: Winstead, Appleton
Masculine: Lucas, Ryan, Azrael, Daniel
Feminine: Carmen, Miranda, Leonora, Catarina
DW: Estelle Lenore [Fairbank] Baudelaire
DD: Maisie Letitia Baudelaire
-SO: Benjamin Hawthorn Masson
--DS: Luca Blaine Masson
--DS: Edmund Wolf Masson
--DD: Evangeline Glenys Masson
--DD: Sabina Leona masson
DS: Jesse Ennis Baudelaire
DS/DS: Adam Wilder / Jackson Julien Baudelaire
DD/DD: Livia Monet / Georgia Esmeralda Baudelaire
Surnames: Winstead, Appleton
Masculine: Lucas, Ryan, Azrael, Daniel
Feminine: Carmen, Miranda, Leonora, Catarina