LN: King, Raymer, Wilczynski
DH: Fabian, Fabrice, Faramund, Farley, Felix, Feodor, Ferdinand, Fergus, Ferris, Findlay, Fletcher, Floyd, Flynn, Francis, Franciszek, Frank, Frederick MN: starts with J or L
DW: Gabrielle, Galadriel, Gardenia, Gemma, Geneva, Genevieve, Georgia, Georgette, Geraldine, Gertruda, Gianna, Gillian, Giselle, Gloria, Gracja, Guinevere, Gwendolen MN: starts with P or R
DS: Pablo, Palmer, Pascal, Patrick, Paul, Pawel, Percy, Perez, Perseus, Peter, Petro, Phaedrus, Philip, Phineas, Phoenix, Pierre, Piotr, Pippin, Pluto, Porter, Preston MN: starts with J or S
Cat: Pick a name from the DH, DW or DS list of names above.