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[Facts] Where the Varient Spelling of Kayleigh possibly came from
This spelling is found in the Marillion song 'KAYLEIGH'. I found out something of the origin of the song title in a copy of Classic Rock magazine's Top 100 Rock albums (April 2006) It was an interview with the lead singer, he wrote the song about a break up with his then girlfriend and he just combined her first and last names to create the song title Kay & Leigh. Perhaps this spelling is where it originated, the song was written around 1985 i think. after that it seems it became very popular to give your child that name. Andy.
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I've a friend named Kayleigh (she was born in 1986 or '87, for the record) whose parents did name her for the song--they're classic rock freaks. It's certainly a strong possibility that some or many of the earliest Kayleighs were named this way, though at this point, I think they're being called Kayleigh for inventiveness' sake.Array (has always liked Kayleigh best, because of said friend)

She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on. A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
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