[Opinions] Griselda
WDYT of Griselda?
Fabulous name. It means gray haired battle maiden and has the cool nn Zelda. What more can a name deliver? :0)
I adore Griselda. It's brimming with personality!
Awful as a full name, but Zelda is a lively nn and could be used independently.
I've always liked it. I'd love to see more of them!
I like it but it sounds kind of like a witch name.
I agree it sounds harsh - Grizzly I prefer the similar-sounding Zelda
It is neat in a gnarly sort of way. I associate it with old age, herbalism, and perhaps a bit of medieval fantasy magic.
This tree looks like a Griselda.

This tree looks like a Griselda.

Is it weird that I kinda like this name?
Don't like it