[Opinions] Cadence
I really like Cadence for a girl. Thoughts?I feel like it is often placed in the trendy-category? Do you agree? Or only if it is spelled Kaydence, Kadence, Caydence?To me it looks rather elegant and calm. It reminds me of Camille or Candace.I don't find it super classic (like Sarah or Mary) but I find it modern-classic (this probably doesn't make sense, but kind of in-between classic and trendy) like Caitlin, Megan or Jade.Please rate my list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/6232
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Candace is a bit more old hat in comparison to Cadence. Cadence has a bit more freshness to it. Elegant is the right word I think. I dislike the Kaydence spelling. There's a child in my neighborhood somewhere with that spelling that writes her name in chalk on the sidewalk all over the place and every time I see it I think how it would have been better spelled Cadence. But that's just my opinion.
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I really like it. Not enough to use irl, but it is appealing. It never reached huge popularity (never in the top 100) and I don't think of it as a modern classic. It's a word name, but will never be a Scarlett or Willow etc. It's trendy because it rose and fell quickly. Changing the spelling is unnecessary and just plain ridiculous.
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I think it’s cute! And can be shortened to Cady, Cay (like Kay), etc. which are popular enough that it’s not too out there. But the name itself is very cute in my opinion. It’s not overtly popular or trendy, but has a sound similar to a lot of those types of names
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It's ok
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I think it's pretty. Kinda trendy, but ultimately harmless
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